The Netherlands

The Netherlands.

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is there one for bongland?

Great insight, thanks user

Hijabis are pretty hot tb2qhfamalam.

We know were this faggot is from also why the fuck is everybody searching for dutch?

I'm from the hague.

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Friesian here still wondering about the dutch thing does nobody have an actual prefrence?

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Yeah, that makes sense to me.

You don't wanna go there

CP is illegal. I doubt people would search pornhub for it.

im gonn gonna aajhh goddddd

you are a cow?

Were all stuck inside its not like i have anything beter to than to argue why anal objectively is the best genre.

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You don't wanna go there

I’m sure people do. Intensity of cp searches by region would be a hilarious map if they ever had the balls to do it.

They have a preference, the National preference. Pretty Based if you ask me.


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dutch is pretty fucking based if you put it like that

wtf is wrong with this province

A province of BRAP posters

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If I were able to choose between Dutch language porn and English language porn, I'd pick Dutch every time.
There's just not much of it.
>ga maar lekker op bed liggen schatje, dan pak ik mijn thermometer en gaan we in je billetjes kijken hoe heet je bent-aaaaaaaah

I often search Dutch because it is hotter when it is a girl who you could actually somewhat feasibly meet in real life. Maybe you'll happen to come across your hot classmate you used to drool over.

Not so demoralizing. I mean if you're going to watch porn why would you watch "normal" porn?

And this.

The cringe only makes it hotter

Is pornhub a Canadian company by any chance? That is a typical leaf post.


Are the fart smellers not anyhow french?

Fastest coom in the west

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Based and brappilled.
>tfw no qt swamp german gf to dutch oven you daily under the sheets


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