These fat fucks in Ector County Texas deployed a fucking MRAP for peaceful open carry demonstrators in a public lot.
These fat fucks in Ector County Texas deployed a fucking MRAP for peaceful open carry demonstrators in a public lot.
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Did you thank them for their service? Back the blue snowflake.
This is the proper kind of response to the presence and gatherings at Arab Forward Operating Bases also known as Mosques in first world countries.
The government's got their ideology all inside out, and God foils their mind so that the actions of their left hand and their right reveals insanity in its commander.
Surprised? You’re late.
Islam is your strength. Multicultural Enrichment is your God.
White people start Enriching their ideologies with that of the Jihad waging Muslim and the Enriching ideology of the nomad knuckle dragging badass spear chucking hunter-gatherer.
america the free
So what? why should they not
6 demonstrators standing around an open lot with ar15's warranted 50 units, an MRAP and a swat truck.
The group that organized are filing a lawsuit.
How else would those lardballs keep snacks on hand
is he standing next to it because he can't fit inside?
Sooo... make your own and bring it to the next demonstration. How hard is it? Its basically a tractor with angled steel plates. What am I missing?
>placed in handcuffs while armed with a rifle
Just stay home if you're going to larp.
Look at this fat fuck grovel about his authoritarianism
honestly super weird. why tf is he not disarmed before being cuffed?
Is that motherfucking sonic cannon on that mrap?
Funny picture... if it gets really bad, dunkin donut boxes could be used for ied
Theoretically joking about how they are fat and fat peoples like donuts. Not condoning fat violence
Big chungus is a cuck.
>i'm no expert in this
When are the people going to put their foot down. Seriously if your not going to fight for your rights then turn in your weapons cause you don’t need them
DAMN that MRAP made those armed protestors docile real fast. Zero resistance. Yeah you gonna overthrow government tyranny, little boy with your semi-auto? pfffft KEK
America BTFO
>deployed a fucking MRAP
So what? There are so many in surplus they were basically handing them out.
They're not. We've already lost.
Time to build "Killdozers".
Officers Huff and Puff
There was only 6 people and 50 cops. Co flirt would have been suicide. We need hundreds to show up and protect local businesses from the Jew’s foot soldiers in blue.
>deployed a fucking MRAP
Cletus, get me the 50
Im eating fritos and bean dip open carrying my rifle down a bike path flicking off all the karens driving by. My trusty nigger slave is holding my mountain dew and typing this out for me. Nigger nigger nigger.
at some point the police will need mono-wheel scooters to catch criminals
and when they fall over a stick to get back up
Hey texanons, be aware that those people have names and faces and addresses.
Unironically based. Need some mad max armored vehicles
Glow brighter!
Why'd you bring your guns if you aren't going to defend yourself?
would love to hear from one of you that gargles daddy trumps nuts on this one
literally the entire world is laughing at the clownish response by his administration. absolute disaster
remember when Zig Forums said cops would be on our side when shit goes down?
>They have MRAPs
This is why we need to be able to own grenade launchers and RPGs.
>deploying an mrap
But think about the children!
>tfw you will never get to own an MRAP so you can ArmA LARP irl.
Why even live bros?
Usually plate carriers look bulky on individuals. Looks like those fat fucks are wearing girdles
>deputy instinctly rests his barrel pointed square at the sheriff's dick
he's gonna be the sheriff soon after this pic
I can’t believe how fat they are... and they’re wearing gay farmer skinny jeans.. so much weird in that photo... they can’t even shut their lips.
that or the microwave cannon
Wait until the roads get blocked with tractors and bulldozers and kill zones are created when they try martial law.