Guys like Elon Musk (foreigners) are what push America forward. Most Americans are flyover retards...

Guys like Elon Musk (foreigners) are what push America forward. Most Americans are flyover retards, but the ones who push America forward are usually foreign born genuises. The irony is that the retards thing the genuises are out to get them.

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America needs white immigration
I agree

Tssss. Tssss. Iron knee? What’s that, sumthin Jet Li has or sumthin? HNNNNNNGGG. BACK ON TOP AGAIN CHIPPAH!

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>flyover retards
thank you for your comment.
it will be discarded for hate speech.

Elon Musk is an autist whose only appeal is larping as a redditor.

In what ways has he pushed America forward? We're still under the control of international jews (the world's foremost problem).

Please tell me how DA JOOOOOOOS are controlling Elon?

If we replace 50 millions illegal spics with 50 million South Africans, I wouldn't have a problem.

Thank you, I'll come as soon as the pandemic is over

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>millions of those jobs are illegals starting illegal construction and landscaping businesses
>push America foward by diluting pay and hiring illegal labor
>children go on unemployment every year because daddy owns the business, lays them off and "rehires" them
>they sit around playing vidya all Winter
>this is totally legal

He took their money.

>foreigners more likely to start businesses because the country is already almost half non-white and already full of their shitskin welfare niggers
Wow, much entrepreneurship. Thanks for making yourselves the solution to the problem you created.

yea dude hes literally tony stark bro

dont trust an afrikaaner

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It's funny that the foreigner thing bothers actual foreigners so much that now they're also calling other people foreigners.

The 5 golden rules of the shill:

1)Always post under a meme-flag.

2)If you are VPN user switch to USA,Canada or Sweden,they are basically legit meme-flags by now.

3)Post demoralizing slide threads or libcuck low-tier bait to make the jannies nuke the good threads.

4)Be a massive fucking faggot and suck obscene amounts of dick from every glowing organization.

5)Be a jew.


Go fuck yourself ya limey cunt


Wtf I love African Americans now!

Elon is my favorite African American

Seriously, this Jew shit is fucking BORING.

>Tell me more about my country

God Damn is this "Euros who have their own countries to discuss but only think about America 24/7/375 thread number 783" for today?

Jesus Christ brothers....tell us about your Country for once.

>white immigration

Elon is Jewish
The people doing the actual work at his company are mostly Indian or East Asian


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Our tax dollars funded his never-profitable companies, you idiot.

I despise Chip, it killed his career

America has always been a country that welcomes Europeans into our brotherhood. It’s the brown immigrants that are an issue, even the wealthy ones.

This guy role plays Ostap Bender from "12 chairs" .

I'm genuinely curious, when this guy finally runs, kills himself or goes to jail, will your opinion of this con artist change? Because I don't think the cult is willing to accept how stupid they are and how uneducated and easily fooled they are. They guy is not even an original con artist.

Nah, he is a lying jew on gibs (both private and taxpayer varieties).

doesn't matter, he's white....

It's funny when you react to it, FUCKING HYSTERICAL WHEN YOU ARE QUIET

The fact that this went on for that long is a testament of failure of every level of the US government. It's an in your face con job, and nobody in law enforcement is willing to step up.

He’s rich not a genius, retard.

I had no idea he was Jewish.

Nuclear power and weaponry, the internet, alternating current, the jet engine, the rockets that sent them to the moon and pretty much everything else in the U.S was created by foreign born people.
The U.S has investment ready capital and a dumb as fuck population. Its a perfect match. Thick rich cunts luring poor clever cunts. It's their model of survival. Brute force alone does not ensure the survival of a nation and the U.S came up with a good solution to their lack of brains. They bought them. Fair enough.

my ass fuck him and fuck all his shills on Zig Forums