Imagine a better country, you can't.
Imagine a country where everything works as intended. You've just imagined Switzerland
Imagine a better country, you can't.
Imagine a country where everything works as intended. You've just imagined Switzerland
Other urls found in this thread:
>no longer monarchist
>current year
>still countrypilled
>not Europapilled
The perfect "country" is pic related. Europe prior to Christianization (which is what lead to the concept of countries due to all the infighting and division it brought) is perfection.
>europe prior to christianization'
aka ooga booga "people"
>Imagine a better country
Norway or Iceland
we are full (and also fucked beyond repair), stay the fuck were you are !
>Europe prior to Christianization
so the roman empire? that wasnt so good user
roman republic was best
>also fucked beyond repair
how so?
swiss eat dogs and cats for christmas. do your research.
I will go to switzerland to crime because prison there is far better than any opportunities I have in the aussie outback
50%+ of Switzerland is of migrant backgrounds (non-ethnic swiss)
>inb4 anyone parrots the Jewish lie that Christianity united Europe, when in reality it did the opposite
To make it very easy for you to understand:
Empires = bad.
Local communities = good.
Oh no you have Analbanians that means you're FUCKED
you're fucking delusional
sounds totally based desu senpai
why are swedish flags such terriblle posters?
Unironically USA because we ain't stinkin commies over here and we have Trump and lots of good ethnic food.
I propose that the European Union be dissolved and fragmented, and their nation states be added as minor cantons to the confederation of Switzerland.
Fucking hell the west is fucked
and we can legally build ar-15s in our garage with no permit, license, or paperwork whatsoever
whenever i start to think about how our country is bad (in many ways it is) or how other countries are better (in some ways, they are) i remember how amazingly badass this is.
Its literally the worst country in eu. No real culture or identity, locals are super autistic and stick to themselves, tons of immigrants.
Only rich because their country is headquarters of the jewish banking system.
Confederation is literally the best system because it allows the direct democracy to take place the governments are more localized and are more pressured to solve the local problems of citizens.
>inb4 anyone parrots the Jewish lie that Christianity united Europe, when in reality it did the opposite
have you seen your flag? and your neighbours flags? and the theology all across europe that unites the nations (as well as your flag to the theology)
why are swedes so dumb? import some more niggers, sven. that should clean up your christianity problem. grenade attacks are always more preferable to people loving thy neighbours...
this 100%
Although to be fair, we are a federation. We just call ourselves a confederacy for historic reasons. And ironically, the European Union is a trade-focused confederacy.
Yes I know that. In fact Switzerland isn't perfect. But there is no perfect country in Europe. Maybe Monaco...
I wish confederation was real. Switzerland is the closest one to be it.
>anti-European and pro-jewish
Go fuck yourself in the ass till you bleed to death, Cohen.
You're still countrypilled, a type of bluepill. Thus what I wrote look bad to you. And also you're American, which further hinders you from comprehending that I am right. And by the way, my thinking is entirely in line with the SS philosophy and Hitler's greater dreams (which wasn't "muh German nationalism, muh Großdeutschland" -- which was only a tool and a stepping-stone they used -- but a future united Europe where the concept of nationstates would be greatly diminished in importance) - he was a Europeanist, not a nationalist. The goal of Nationalsocialism is neither Nationalism nor Socialism, but I wouldn't expect a burgermutt to understand any of that.
Nations were the first form of Jewish globalism, a form of proto-globalism, used as a tool to divide and conquer their enemies and weaken them. First they infiltrated Europe and destroyed and poisoned the local communities and the culture and traditions, and then set up monarchies and nations to more effectively get Europeans to slaughter each other, in the name of their desert god. The division of Europe into nationstates have greatly aided Jewry. They want Europeans to feel ONLY connected to the artificial concept of a "nation" and to merely see themselves as a citizens of their "nations" instead of being connected by blood as a people and seeing themselves as Native Europeans.
The division of Europe into countries was one the first steps in enabling the genocide of the European people. Later methods of genocide such as mass immigration from outside Europe, wouldn't have been possible if countries didn't exist and people were fully tribal. Anyone can become a "German" or an "American" or a "Pole" etc, but only Native Europeans can be Europeans. An Jew or an African can become a French citizen, but he can never become a European. If you can't comprehend this you've got massive problems.
Country is OK. ´Better than most.
But they should open up the nightlife now.
Ingen orkar läsa vad du skriver
I'm not supporting kike on a stick, but literally the ooga booga religions before christianity were even worse.
Common sense is the best religion.
Good luck with all the Kosovars they took in. Also, why don't you go live there if you like it so much?
Empires were bad 2000 years ago when there were no fast communication between the army, now without an empire (examples of modern empires are USA/Russia/China) you will literally get destroyed if these guys want to fuck you
Anyway, one of the things that you other European nations ought to do is ti finally advance your inferior old representative democracies to the Swiss semi-direct democratic model.
Switzerland having the literally most advanced form of a national democratic system in the whole world, despite it being now 80 years in service, should be a proof that it does work.
Don't believe in the lies of the established elite that you are all dumb nincompoops that can't be trusted to vote yes or no on important issues.
I mean, you all kinda are nincompoops, but even you can say yay or nay to whatever the politicians decide. And the politicians you vote aren't smarter than the normal populace either. That's why they have "experts" (also called lobbyists) persuading them why privatization of drinking water is good (when in reality, it's not, and thus the people vote against it).
You'll still have the problems of minorities deciding for you (our voting turnout is constantly less than 50%), but then again, if you don't vote, then you vote in agreement with the winning minority, and you can vote weeks in advance, so ultimately, that system is really fair.
It does require a society that however does trust each another enough, and yet mistrust each another to a certain degree.
Just say you love first world but hate germans, so you choose Switzerland, because its part french but still first world.
Yes. I'm a big fan from that system especially coming from a country that knows the benefit of this.
After Poland introduced the semi-governance act the country improved in big way. The governors were pressured to listen to the citizen were pressured for impoveved of the local enviroment and infrastructure etc.
I wish we turned into a full blown confederation with like self governing 25 regions or so.
There's not such thing as "swiss ethnicity", no confederation in the world have ever had an ethnically uniform population
Imagine thinking that your country is even comparable with Switzerland. lmfao
Alpeneger Fade? Alpeneger Fade. Düemmer de Fade de ganze Zig Forumsacke abläschele.
have sex
give me danish qt
Nur die Scheiss Welsche sölled dusse bliibe. Die sött mer sowieso abschiebe und eifach Frankriich überlah.
I'll take your Polkas right?
>muh direct democracy
Those retarded mountain niggers voted overwhelmingly to phase out nuclear power.
>muh money
That's the only thing they have going for them, which is why you probably worship the Swiss
polkas prefer BBC sorry
It is.
House prices here are 100 billion zloty.
Switzerland is best land
We're not a direct democracy but we too did resign from nuclear power.
People can be stupid sometimes.
>swiss eat dogs and cats for christmas. do your research.
They also fuck horse pussy. Uma fucking delikat
I support this motion.
‘ate corona
‘ate masks
‘ate social distance
love beer
love techno
love clubs
Simple as.
I saw Christoph Blocher at a grocery store in Zurich yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything.
He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”
I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Toblerones in his hands without paying.
The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.
When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.