Companies are beginning to require workers to wear masks in order to continue employment. States and local municipalities are already preparing for masks to be worn for school children when they eventually reopen this fall. There have been no large studies documenting physiological symptons, such as hypoxia, with extended mask use. Sars-COV-2 apparantly decreases blood oxygen saturation causing multiple organ failure in at risk demographics.
Are the medical professionals and elected officials not concerned of the possible ramifications of requiring generally unhealthy people to wear a mask for 1/3 of the day? Especially children who require ample amounts of oxygen for proper brain development? Hmm....
How long until they are required to wear ballgags?
Jonathan Reyes
Masks will truly become an essential part of our body just like glasses and contact lenses and shit hence their forced removal will be extremely painful
Jayden Butler
People would rather get sick than wear a mask for a few hours before they go out?
And hypoxia, seriously? Go take a walk you fat fucks.
Precisely my point. Most Americans are obese, even the children and mandating the use of masks, for not just a few hours like you claim, but up to 8 hours daily may have unforseen effects on the brain and other organs.