BREAKING: Breaking911 @Breaking911 Ahead of 2020 election, Facebook bans accounts linked to QAnon

All for a fucking LARP?
They fear the information operation because they're losing the information war.

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Other urls found in this thread:

this will lead to less retards here
i'm all for it
thanks zucc

How would a ban on Qfags on facebook have any impact on people here?
If anything they'd just go to twitter or 8kun, not here.

yo where are the fuckin arrests... im bored this is gay q is a larp ... i need more evidence inb4 timmed tweets he needs to nuke isreal

Ok schizo

>currently waiting for the David Icke enthusiasts to come and commiserate
>they won't tho

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>All for a fucking LARP?
it's to hook you more into believing the larp

It's not even a larp,
it's designed to make it's mouthbreathing fans love interracial sex

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inb4 take your meds, boomer, qtard, qoomer, qboomer, cult, qult, larp, qushner, zion don, miga, etc
Define arrests, plenty of people have been arrested. I think you mean the political ones which would come from the Huber and/or Durham investigations; those will take time due to how much is being looked into.

>to make it's mouthbreathing fans love interracial sex
No that's you pathetic faggots' jobs, which despite the spammed slide threads here isn't working.

eventually some of the mouthbreathing MIGAs find their way here and shit up the board

Fuck Qtards.
>Muhhh hillary clinton is a cannibal
Yeah, who gives a shit. They spend more energy into that bullshit that JQ, race realism or anything useful. Fuck them.

>memeflag cheering on censorship
Not a surprise, and there's a JQ research thread on /qresearch/ you stupid shit.
Most boomers think this board is trash.

Ya maybe the arrests last weekend that Q promised should have actually happened?
Or the Easter weekend DUMB raids to rescue all those children?
Ya, Q is fake news, a pied piper operation for boomers.
All kinds of promises made but un-kept.
>Trust the plan
>Hurry the fuck up and wait boomers.

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wasnt this lockdown supposed to be a pretext for mass arrests?
the lockdowns are ending everywhere fast

>taking random rumors and attributing them to Q
Q actually brought that up recently. Q linked to this tweet. Boomers, on facebook and twitter, run with these ridiculous theories that Q never even hints at and anons/Q get blamed for it.
Funny sometimes desu.

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They're scared

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>omg they banned a qtard from goybook!!!
I hate you scumbags. They've scrubbed the internet from people exposing the system and you haven't said a peep but now one of your retards got the hammer you're here making it into a controversy.
Qunts are no threat to the system. They preach pro-government, pro-Israel, pro-banking and live in a fantasy.


Q is a mind virus


They're banning Qanon because there's been multiple cases of crazy Q cultists kidnapping children and making death threats to politicians

I'm a shill and you are 100% legit user.

Now what?


and that's a good thing

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>Because qanon has bombarded the internet with subliminal IR-cuck imagery for three years.
Is that the new narrative you're all trying out?

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even normiebook cant stand your fucking bullshit !

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>Funny sometimes desu.
whats funny is people unironically believing that a team of behind the scenes military magicians have decided the best tactical move in couping an empire worth trillions, with armies, courts, politicians and control of the worlds finances, is to drip feed their plans openly for years in advance of action, actively telling followers to broadcast them as wide as possible.
do you know what would require outsider recruitment and broadcasting plans if not a military coup? a Plan to trick would-be dissidents into believing their doing something while actually doing nothing.
theyve already won, look how many qoomers were smug and happy about a literal police state being imposed on them

>Huber and/or Durham investigations; those will take time due to how much is being looked into.
Funny how those political ones can commit treason and threaten the Presidents life before our very eyes on live TV and nothing happens.
Sue investigate it until November maybe Trump won't win right?
Honestly it's time for full on fascist military police to take out those media heads, bad actors, mossad double agents and double agent politicians.
The time to do it is during this lockdown.
Nope nothing every happens.
The Q is a fucking pied piper operation, there is no lawful reason for these consistent delays.

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Seeing as NOTHING HAS HAPPENED, I'd say this should be reported to the based department. Let's recap:

>wasserman shultz

not a single one in jail. Not a single indictment. Nothing. Fucking nothing. 3 years of plan trusting since the first CBTS storm hit this board.


And also

>Assange still locked up
>no full fisa declass
>no sealed indictments or mass arrests
>Maxwell free
>no deepstate takedowns
>economy wrecked
>freedoms removed
>world economy destroyed
>nwo mandatory chipping inbound
>corporate worker vaccine shaming inbound
>contact tracing mandatory apps inbound
>h1bs still coming
>trump surrounded by globalist swamp
>fauci tied to wuhan lab
>scarf lady slips on interview that gates advising them
>still have patriot act
>still have nsa spying on US citizens
>still have bases in countries all over the planet
>still have soldiers dying in the sandbox
>money printer still go brrrrrr
>stonks still decoupled from reality
>instagibs from both parties ensures large swath of muricans will never work again
>non-mockingbird viewpoints continually banhammered from social media

I could go on forever. Predictions:

- no three days of darkness
- no plan comes together
- no deep state arrest
- more covid lockdowns
- more lockdown extensions from deep state team
- more date extensions for muh habbenins by q team
- more freedoms lost

I would love to be proven wrong. Almost the entire board fell in love with the original CBTS threads. But NOTHING HAS PANNED OUT. NOTHING.

>drip feed their plans openly for years in advance of action
Not really what's going on but your idea from your perspective of what's happening makes sense.
What does Q have to do with everything you just said though? Q just posts information on 8kun (previously 8ch and before that here).
>first part of the pasta
Investigations still ongoing, slowly, which is sad
>not a single one in jail. Not a single indictment
You clearly haven't been paying attention then.
>2nd part of pasta
Not sure what any of that has to do with Q, and those "predictions" aren't even related to Q whatsoever.
Q's purpose is to spread information, what's yours exactly redditor?

Look how much msm hates Q especially WaPo. They're afraid.

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>Almost the entire board fell in love with the original CBTS threads.
theres truth to this, pol only turned against CBTS when kushnerbots jumped the gun too early with the uranium one stooryline, painting north korea, russia and iran as the 'real' deep state. it was at that point that they had to leave, there were too many people calling them out on their bullshit by the time trumsp asian trip was finished in november 2017.
they always underestimate the goyim, its an important aspect of their worldview to do so, not that it took a genius to see through the psyop for what it is by that stage.

No one cares you fucking sad excuse of a shill.

I bet you'll ignore this doc because it has Roy Moore in the title

They are basically the church of Scientology

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>Not really what's going on but your idea from your perspective of what's happening makes sense
give it to me from your perspective.

I never fell for the psyop

hur dur
Yea they fucking HATE Q and anons.
>memeflag getting angry his irrelevant screeching is irrelevant

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>Define arrests
sasuga qboomer

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Q is litterally the symbol for IR cucks
Why do you think Q spam has been followed by "built for BBC" spam?

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lol shit

the existence of q reveals the true malevolence of trump. it's definitely connected to him, but it's a demoralization campaign.
good on facebook.

You are a shill

If Q isn't your thing turn the fucking channel you fucking losers

Q is leading the sheep to the slaughter.
Watch todays DOD presser.
>army corp of engineers working on building facilities to help overwhelmed hospitals
Hospitals are not overwhelmed.
>no evidence virus was man made or released on purpose
>Vaccine incoming
These are the "patriots in control"
People supporting Q have fucked us all.

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You're assuming what Q talks about is secret and behind the scenes, but if you're following closely what is actually going on it's overt. Q just provides insider details about a few things that help put it into perspective like Durham using what exonerated Flynn as evidence against those who tried to entrap him.
>haha maybe this will work!
Fuck off faggot, interesting new narrative.
>People supporting Q have fucked us all.
I thought Q is a larp and no one but boomers support Q? Boomers already fucked us all.
Try again.

It doesn't matter what Faceberg does, Durham's already flipped enough Spygate conspirators to hand over solid prosecutions to Huber. Brennan, Comey and the rest of them are toast.

Great... More boomers will migrate here. We've already absorbed the r/thedonald boomers, which are like 80% of this board. With this bs we're going to become an official boomer board