Maori here. Why do you whites hate yourselves so much...

Maori here. Why do you whites hate yourselves so much? I see so much anti white stuff in the media written by whites and a lot of my white teachers at school were anti white. You don't see other races doing it either. In Maoridom if you are anti Maori, you'll get the bash. Especially if you hate your tribe. I've never heard of any Nga Puhi saying "I hate Nga Puhi". You'll die. We are very proud of our ancestors. In fact we say "Kia tu tika ai te whare tapu o Nga Puhi!" (may the sacred house of Nga Puhi stand forever). So why do whites do it?

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Unfortunately, some of us have to live with Kikes.
Count yourself lucky

maybe you're just a simpleton who mindlessly equates critique with hate.
See the thing about whites is that our culture and history is extremely prolific.
We've done a LOT of shit as a race, there's a lot to talk about. Not everybody is going to think that all of it is good.

>I see so much anti white stuff in the media written by whites and a lot of my white teachers at school were anti white.
Those are jews. Jews are anti-white.

nice fucking try cunt.

The vast majority and I do mean upwards of 99.9999% NEVER think about any of this shit.
Usually takes (((someone))) to bring it up.. just starting a conversation, Goy

this is what happens when you dont keep the jews in the ghetto. they always manage to monkey everything up like a bunch of gremlins

Grass is always greener on the other side.

Christkikes allied with Jews after WW2 and push anti-white propaganda.

>I've never heard of any Nga Puhi saying "I hate Nga Puhi".

How DARE YOU! I am Nga Puhi and I have sooo many criticisms putting all of us into one blanket opinion category shows your internalized racism. I hope you can be reeducated to fix your unconcious bias against your own fellow people.

All I can say is that I hope you don’t be ramarama and sniff petrol from a can :) No bundira!