I bet you Americans wouldn't be complaining about Spanish speakers if they were all from Spain. Just admit you only want white people and hate hard-working people of colour.
I bet you Americans wouldn't be complaining about Spanish speakers if they were all from Spain...
>Latin americans
>Just admit you only want white people and hate hard-working people of colour.
Yes. Got a problem with that paco?
Spainiards are cucked beyond belief, there Sweden tier at best.
The only acceptable spic
Yes. Your nation was built off the backs of slaves and immigrants and you still treat them like crap after everything they've done. There are a ton of undocumented immigrants working tirelessly in the fields during this pandemic just to feed you!
>Spanish speakers
Yeah no. But yes I would prefer real Spanish to Latrinos but I would prefer neither
Don't worry brother, the reconquista will begin and we will slaughter every illegitimate ruler that usurped our rightful territory. VIVA ESPAÑA
>I would prefer neither
Imagine thinking like this. You can't just deny people the right to live wherever they please.
If they had the power and the support, they could literally do it.
socialist feminist party goes in the goverment:
literal the economy goes down
>>Latin americans
>Just admit you only want white people
> Spaniards
> hard-working
You motherfuckers are as lazy as Spics.
>In the year 2006 I was a kid spending the summer as usuall with my family in "Cea" our little village in Castille and León (Spain). It's a tiny village out of reach and in middle of NOWHERE.
>One morning we heard the sound of jet engines ROARING extremely low barely scraping over the rooftops and ran out of the house in horror and shock looking at the sky, I even shouted for my mum - Mamaaa!!!!
>As we ran to the fields I clearly remember being able to smell "GIRL-FEMALE odor". I don't know how to explain this.
>There was unspoken fear and the feeling of being under an AIRSTRIKE, as we looked up at a mysterious set of chemtrails in the distance.
>Some days later my "southern Spanish" friends would begin raping the phenotipycally blonder blue eyed northern friends in massive orgies. I myself (Irish descended) was abused in the ass after my sweat dropped on the face of another darker guy to which he reacted with "seizures" inhaling non stop, as if he couldn't stop taking the smell. As if my "bio-aroma" was now "militarized" which turned him forever gay. He is now gay and has tried to commit suicide.
One of these is non white, guess who?
sorry, can't hear you while I have my siesta 8-)
>There are a ton of undocumented immigrants working tirelessly in the fields during this pandemic just to feed you!
No one is working to feed me but me. Those people in the fields? They're getting paid. They're not doing it for my wellbeing.
>No one is working to feed me but me.
Then why are they doing the job you won't?
Maybe they should stop lining up to be completely exploited. They voluntarily show up to be raped in every fucking way by euros and all they have to do is stay the fuck away. Why should I feel bad about cuck races asking me to cuck them?
No fucking shit we only want white people here.
Yes. Shitskins get out.
>there are tireless immigrants working hard
They’re more than one of the main casualties of globalism
>I bet you wouldn’t complain if Americans spoke Spanish
Our people’s language still exists what are you doing about it to keep it from being forgotten?
OP what are
You doing to better the life of our people without relying on immigration?
They came for a better life.
I'm not Americrap.
I’m an American and Latino but I’m against illegal immigration not because I’m against for ppl wanting a bette life but it’s takes a toll on everyone economically, leftist policies are what drove immigrants further north.
Spaniards aren't particularly known for being hard working. They had 20% unemployment before the Commie Flu came around.
Don't make me laugh!
You're a traitor to your people.
And they must have found it since they want to be continuously fucked by us as opposed to whatever the fuck their own people were doing to them.
So as you have clearly stated we are better than them. Funny enough all the fucking colored people who live here also benefit from the fucking perpetual slave class that continues to sign up for a life of labor cuckoldry.
Identity politics is absolutely the most useless plank to push socialism.
If spics are so great, why do all their countries suck? the people........
>and you still treat them like crap after everything they've done
All the slaves and immigrants that did that shit are dead. Are you implying that today's black men are the reincarnations of those slaves and therefore deserve special treatment? And today's white people are the reincarnations of slave owners so they are somehow responsible for their suffering?
Why would that be? A white dude could easily be the reincarnation of a black slave. And a nigga from the hood could totally have been a white slave owner a century ago.
And if you don't believe in reincarnation, what the fuck do today's whites and blacks have to do with what their ancestors lived through? They didn't exist yet. You can't be responsible for something your ancestors did.
This is incorrect. They are not allowed to just do their own thing and are constantly fucked with by the US gov. Che for instance did what he did not because of communism but because he wanted to see the entirety of South America from like the United States. This is the real reason he was eliminated by the CIA.