Will you ever accept non-binary people...

Will you ever accept non-binary people? Is there anything other than self-genocide they COULD do that would allow you to accept their movement?

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I am a bit gender queer myself. It's what makes my sex magik rituals so powerful. The homophobia and queerphobia imposed upon Europeans by the Jews via Christiania is a subversive slave morality aimed at stoping a pagan uprising via eros infused magik.

>self genocide
I mean they're pretty good at that already with the 41% and all

No one cares, you pretentious faggot.

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That's just trannies. Not all non-binaries are trannies.


If you're so dysfunctional that you can't figure out what gender you are the honorable thing to do is commit suicide rather than forcing the burden of your degeneracy upon your family and society.

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No. They are fucking weird. They look into a mirror and see someone else. They look down at their naked crotch and see something that they think doesn't belong. There is no accepting them. They will move the goal posts over and over because they cannot accept themselves. They should demand a refund and off themselves.

Fuck off, you attention-seeking cunt.

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sex magic is powerful regardless. in general, 'identity' is limiting and ultimately disempowering

non binary people are not real. they should be in mental hospitals, or they should be allowed to be who they think they are, which will keep them from passing on their bad genetics.

Accept them? Sure. I accept that they are mentally unwell and need help. However, I will not indulge in their fantasies. You wouldn't say that an anorexic person was too fat just to reinforce their delusions, right? That's just dangerous. I would rather have the mentally ill get help.

The distinction is irrelevant. There are only two genders (male and female). There is only one sexuality (heterosexual) since sex is defined as vaginal intercourse between a man and a woman. All other "sexualities", faggotry/degeneracy are nothing more than deviant fetishes. The world is much simpler than the web of lies you have digested courtesy of the Frankfurt school.

Your "movement" is the same as people who claim that they are dragons trapped in human bodies. It is a symptom of a society in which children never actually grow up and when they become adults, they keep playing pretend. The rest of the world isn't required to indulge in your fantasy. Play pretend on your own time, but don't get butthurt when no one else wants to join you.

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The idea of non-binary or agender people is even more sexist than trannies. They lack the mental health disorder of dysphoria, so the entirety of their identity is predicated on the idea of interests or preferences being inherently male or female, and they think that they’re special for having a mix of both. Of course, makeup, dresses, etc aren’t biologically female, and are only socialized as female. To be agender you have to accept the sexist and scientifically incorrect notion that “women wear dresses.” You can just be a man who wears dresses. Sex/gender is purely biological.

Stop begging for participation awards nobody wants to feed your delusions

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Touching someone's face like that is a good way to get five across the eyes.

Fucking nigger.
Can we shoot this homo?

No and blacks hate this shit more than whites do so this is an uphill battle.

No im not going to humor these attention whoring faggotry.

They can mind their own business. We don't need to be frens.

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I know it's uncomfortable and sometimes hard to remember my pronouns but all I ask for your consideration that I do it for you too every day, so just be a good sport and call me xxniGGerSL4YER6969xx

I have a friend who identifies as non-binary. I forget all the time because they're biologically female and...outwardly female. They haven't changed their name or their habits or how they dress, they're just asking to be refered to using non-binary pronouns. It might be easier if they did all those major changes but I forget all the time. I slip up and refer to them as her or she at least once or twice whenever I see them. I feel shitty about it, go to apologize and yes, this is the response I usually get. 'It's not about you." Really makes me feel like shit.

>a apple

how does somebody write this comic and not have enough self-awareness to realize it is making them look like the bad person
the other guy was totally willing to go along with his schizo horseshit and he still tries to make him out to be the bad guy

It’s not about them either. It’s called social exchange, not do as I say because I follow some dumb ass tumblr trend.

t. fag

don't ever fucking apologize to her you fag

Accept you exist? Sure.
Accept calling you by your preferred pronouns? Ha. No.
Accept you grooming children? FUCK NO.

>coworker transitions
>they're part of our little work gaming group
>tells everyone on discord to use female pronouns
>tell him I'm not going to do that shit and he isnt entitled to tell others how to speak
>tells me it isnt my choice and has nothing to do with me
>"yeah we all know it's about your uncle diddling you when you were 12, fuck off we're trying to play"
>he leaves without a word
>coworkers in voice are losing their shit laughing
>tranny now avoids me at work and refuses to be in a discord I'm in
>work goes a lot smoother and there is less drama in the group
If you bend the knee to a tranny, you are worse than a tranny.

You're more of a faggot than your "friend"

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Nope, never going to accept crazy people.

You must be really egotistical if you think anyone gives a shit about your gender

>go to grocery store
>buying expensive as fuck fresh ground peanut butter that's charged by the lb.. 7.99lb mind you..
>place on self-checkout and enter the code# for bananas
>attendant comes over and notes I'm buying peanut butter but put in the code for bananas
>Explain in long web comic form that the peanut butter identifies as bananas and I'm not going to insult xer by putting in the wrong code
>run out without paying

How about you fuck off and stop being attention whores?

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You can feel the desire for control seeping out of the image.
These people would see you thrown on a mile high stack of bodies without a second thought.