Also, from wiki: People convicted of same-sex liaisons in Tanzania can be jailed for up to 30 years. In October 2016, the Tanzanian government banned HIV/AIDS outreach projects and closed US-funded programs that provide HIV testing, condoms and medical care to the gay community. The countrywide closure of private HIV clinics began soon afterward. In late 2018 Magufuli initiated a nationwide crackdown, threatening to arrest and deport anyone campaigning for gay rights and making it difficult to find a lawyer who will defend cases of violence against LGBTQ people.
and... Magufuli has received the nickname "The Bulldozer" in reference to his roadworks projects, but the term has also been used in reference to his moves to reduce spending and corruption within the Tanzanian government.[24][24] Following Magufuli's initial rounds of cuts post-inauguration, the hashtag "#WhatWouldMagufuliDo" was used by Twitter users to demonstrate their own austerity measures inspired by the president.
I like hearing stories of real leaders, no matter where they are. His wiki page is showing him to be the man, if it can be believed.
After taking office, Magufuli immediately began to impose measures to curb government spending, such as barring unnecessary foreign travel by government officials, using cheaper vehicles and board rooms for transport and meetings respectively, shrinking the delegation for a tour of the Commonwealth from 50 people to 4, dropping its sponsorship of a World AIDS Day exhibition in favour of purchasing AIDS medication, and discouraging lavish events and parties by public institutions (such as cutting the budget of a state dinner inaugurating the new parliament session).[7][8] Magufuli reduced his own salary from US$15,000 to US$4,000 per month.[9]
Most notably, Magufuli also suspended the country's Independence Day festivities for 2015, in favor of a national cleanup campaign to help reduce the spread of cholera. Magufuli personally participated in the cleanup efforts, having stated that it was "so shameful that we are spending huge amounts of money to celebrate 54 years of independence when our people are dying of cholera". The cost savings were to be invested towards improving hospitals and sanitation in the country.
Adam Watson
This man is a true leader.
Adrian Lee
My pineapple and my goldfish had it in September
Tyler Taylor
Tanzania is actually based, one of the rare post-colonial success stories in Africa. They kept all the schools and hospitals and roads and power lines and rail systems and didn't abuse the white people or kick them out, and aggressively sent the brightest of the younger generations abroad for schooling and the government helped their ventures when they returned.
They are also one of the dwindling number of nations in Africa which is more in the pro-USA sphere than pro-China. If I'm ever going to Africa it's to Tanzania.
Alexander Davis
Nobody will notice this story or care and you'll still have to take the vaccine.
Matthew Price
Even if true and even if proven, still anyone die for doing this? Or will they MAYBE just lose re-election but keep the money they make. Itsallsotiresome.jpg
Owen Williams
The future is black.
Alexander Russell
Jokes on you ill violently murder anyone coming at me with a needle and the cops will have to put me down.
Luke White
Hudson Bell
Link faggot.
Michael Walker
Thats not how that works.
Lincoln Rodriguez
No. I don't have the urge to chimp out over a vaccine. That's all you guys apparently.
Brody Ward
Holy crap, thats unironically based. Most American politicians won't ever accomplish that much in their lifetime, let alone a single term in office. I know Africa is a shithole, and nigs will nog, but I can't help but feel happy when I hear stories about them actually trying to improve. Shit gives me hope.
Samuel King
Sounds like it won’t be long before he’s offed...
Aaron Peterson
Everybody draws the line somewhere. I will choose death over any fuckery imposed over this fake ass pandemic.
They don't want USA style black people in Tanzania.
Xavier Edwards
bill gates outsmarted by a nigger truly clown world
Brody Bailey
multiple false positives sounds a bit more than simply a lab contaminant. obviously we dont know if they sent the tests to multiple labs or how many fake tests they sent out
Liam Reyes
>Magufuli has received the nickname "The Bulldozer" in reference to his roadworks projects, Based Magufuli. When I was last in Tanzania they were building more four land highways up to US standards. In the right-of-way any obstacle was painted with a big red X including the walls of some large houses. They weren't willing to go around. The stupid owners of the house built their wall in the public right of way, so instead of taking bribes, they just tear the wall down and build the highway on through.
Zachary Collins
> reference to his moves to reduce spending and corruption within the Tanzanian government
So He's like the opposite of Trump then?
Kayden Hernandez
>The future is black we'll be living in the dark ages