Where were you on 9/11?
Where were you on 9/11?
inside you
Wasn't even born, lol.
t. 18 year old.
high school , art class.
my teacher was a vietnam vet and started screaming we are being attacked by the chinese!!. I LOLed at first ....then I didnt.
Cumming in your mom's ass. Stop making this thread every day.
Pissing out of my ass
I remember a random impromptu field day once
I was picked up early from school that day
May have been 9/11
In middle school, 9/11 made our teacher forget about the test we were supposed to take. Cool cause if I failed I would've gotten held back. Not cool cause 9/11.
At work on the helpdesk. It irritated me that this was interfering with fixing computers. Everyone else ran to the tv. I stayed on the phones
How do you fail anything in middle school, let alone enough shit for the public education system to say youre too dumb to progress
wasn't born yet.
Same as everyone else who posts here. Not born for another 5 years
Listening to Howard stern while on my way to work at a hospital. People were freaking out.
Went to Dearborn mi the next day did lunch. Largest population of Arab outside the mid east. It was a ghost town. Went into restaurant with co workers. One Arab girl came over to us. "We're so sorry for what happened". We are too. That's why we came to have lunch with you.
7th grade.
First time I heard what a muslim even was.
Fast forward 19 years, they’re all over our fucking country.
I was trying to watch The Professional on cable TV for the third time so that I could fap to Natalie Portman later. My mom kept making me turn it off so she could watch coverage, even though I told her it was an obvious false flag like Pearl Harbor designed to start a war and that she should stop being so credulous.
high school. that was the first time I realized people are brainless animals.
6th grade english/language arts. They wheeled a TV into the room on that cart most Americans probably remember. We watched the news for the rest of the day basically.
Watching the smoke rising from the city from my window in third grade. Mom came and took me home
Why do you keep making this thread?
In the 4th grade.
I remember my teacher getting a visit from the principle who was going around informing all the teachers what was going on. Next thing we're told we're not going to get to go outside that day because "There had been an accident"
Shortly after that my father came and picked me up from school.
On may way to work!
being a fetus
Was sleeping like a baby, thinking of my elementare school crush
School. Never got scared because no one is going to attack my random middle school. Heard about it by first period and after that we just watched the news all day.
Watching raw footage today is incredible, those people on the ground right as it collapsed. The debris in the air blocking most of the sirens out that you know are everywhere surrounding.
The World Trade Center never existed, I went to New York with my family in June of 2011 and there were no towers. I'm supposed to believe they built the towers in 3 months before the planes hit?
Senior year at TAMU. Woke up late because no early classes. Roommates told me about what happened. Went to class (history of economic thought, taught out of the Bush school), found out classes were cancelled. Went to Taco Cabana with cutie classmate and then watched news coverage at home.
am I the only oldfag here.
I was 19 at the time. Still living at my moms. It was around 2pm here. I was smoking a joint and playing n64. I wanted to switch cartridges so I turned off the n64. it goes automatically back to the tv when the console is off, while i am switching games. noticed the news was talking about some plane hitting the wtc and i knew it was going to be interesting so i kept watching, and rolled a few more joints. 15 minutes later, live on tv, the other plane hit. I kept smoking and watching. i watched until the 3rd tower fell, and by that time it was almost 8pm, so I went outside to play football (the one played with the feet, that you call soccer) because it was still summer and the right time to play. I was dissapointed that the towers didnt fall onto other buildings. I was hoping for more massive destruction, you know kind of like a domino thing where one building make the other crumble etc... Also dissapointed in the number of death.. I would give a 2/10. wouldn't watch it again... too dissapointing. Hollywood had made my hopes higher desu. very faggoty
Data mining thread
About two miles away from where I am right now hosting a World Trade Center party all day and throwing empty beercans at the frat boys next door until the cops showed up.
pedo potato
Working for a beverage delivery company, delivering to a small town pharmacy.
Home drinking tea, just like now my friend.
in your mom's kitchen...buryin' my bone...
while she lied to your dad...
where were you?
I was 9 you fag
Watching it on T.V. while shitting on my diapers
>Where were you on 9/11?
in bed
>am I the only oldfag here.
No, I posted right before you and I was 21, 15 days shy of 22 on that day. Right now? I'M A MAN, I'M 40!'
Posting my age in a 1bptid data mining thread
I was dancing with my co workers (I work for a moving company) on an overlooking parking lot.
I was 6 and thinking this was an awesome movie while eating my fruit loops
In the bushes on the golf course with Mercedes. FAT ass.
We out here, nigga!
At school
my man, time flies innit...
i wrote a long text and by the time i started, it was only faggots who weren't born yet
English class in HS, went to library to watch it on TV
Lol@all the young kids who didnt experience life pre 9/11. I pity you.
Working at midtown Manhattan.
I was in art class and the teacher just starts bawling like a looney and runs out of the room
asleep on the best coast before getting up and blazing in the bathroom before 0 period. east coast faggots and jews got what they had coming that day. regimented bravado assholes the lot of them. need to chill. didnt learn their lesson.
Texas History class. 7th grade.
A senior in high school
I live in Commiefornia so I was still asleep on the west coast when all of this shit went down. By the time I woke up the towers already fell, the "plane" already hit the (((Pentagon))) and there was a giant hole in the ground somewhere in Pennsylvania with no plane wreckage in sight.
Ended up not going to school that day and instead played some racing game on my PS2.
at my grandma's house eating good nigger
Taking a flying lesson didn't fly too good
In high school civics class.
At home. I walked into the living room while my mother was crying and the news showed footage of one of the planes hitting. She thought it would mean another world war.
Later in school we had to have a minute of silence (lmao)
Data mining to see our average ages here
All over
If they were a threat you guys would’ve known about them long ago
If know jews Hindus n Buddhists you should know muslims as there are more
Well either way should’ve take. The warnings srsly
Up here at school we didn’t care
Bad shit happens in USA all the time
But saying otherwise triggers people
Fucking your mom. Enough with this shit already.
Was it really different aside from airport screening
Thread? More like site.
Could care less. Woke up. Went to class. Could care less the rest of the day. It really makes you wonder what type of teachers these people had that they intentionally wheeled in tv sets to keep the traumatizing at full effect. Even now at my teachers age I could care less about what happened and wouldn't watch it. Or show it. America was great before 911 though because everyone was so unintentionally boring. Or something like that I can't think of the words.