Would you fight in a war against China?

I wouldn't. War is inherently immoral and I don't identify with the USA

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I would, I assume you look at the United Kingdom and see a bright future op?

The only Chinese shit I buy is Chinese food that's made in America.

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When I was in the army and when I was in the navy I would have. But that was long before I would have been fighting for 87 genders and government funded genital mutilation.

When I was born it was illegal for a man to suck a dick. Now it's optional. I hope I die before they make it mandatory.

Give me American citizenship and nearest draft station address i'm in

It’s the only war I would fight.

Are those pretend-gf scammers?


I understand that you won’t join NOW, but I imagine if things ever happen we will be rather desperate for people.

I want to kill chinks and get paid for it.
Don't really have anything better going on. There are few as deserving of death as chinks.

Damn sounds cool but how do i sign up for military without already having a sorta citizenship/living permission in US for a purpose like work/study?

No, let the world burn.

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I think you already need legal residence, sorry user.

Yeah so its either my kidney for education in uni either some shitty job to get in but i think you have enough low wage niggers without me sadly

Does marriage count as legal residence btw? Asking for a friend

I’m not sure what the current law regarding “green card marriages” is, but it can’t make it harder.

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Fuck off Chinksect, time for you to become extinct.

fuck yes

Good since becoming gay for citizenship is one of my backup immigration plans

Wow corporate media has brainwashed you effortlessly.

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no I will not fight a war created for Trumps reelection campaign.,

How does U.S. drafting work, by citizenship or address?

No I would not fight somebody else's war ever. That is for fucking fools who need money or want to look like they have a cause. Militaries without actual nations are a joke to business men who profit off it.

No, let Chad fight. I’m busy neeting.

I would after they wreck America. Hopefully they don't attack Animestan before that!!

Goddamn I'm not fit for service but give me some funding and I can start something that weakens them. Opium Wars 2.0 or something.

Can’t get to Valhalla sitting in your basement

>War is inherently immoral

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You could check out community colleges they are pretty cheap. I was dating this Chechnyan chick who would take 2 or 3 classes and then dance at the club off the books. A lot of people come from Russia during the summer to work at the beach too.

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I am not too fit for dancing but a decent idea ngl