> Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg hospitalized for a "routine emergency surgery" due to a gallbladder condition
> Despite the effects of the anesthetic she is cleared to participate in the telephonic oral arguments Wednesday.
> By Devin Dwyer
> 6 May 2020, 01:43
> 3 min read

HOW IS THIS EVEN LEGAL? How is "routine" and "emergency" not an oxymoron?

Attached: Screenshot_2020-05-06 Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg hospitalized for gallbladder condition.png (760x967, 530.1K)

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Just stick a tube down her nose and I'll be there in 4 to 5 hours.
>paging dr. Beeper...

It's a gallbladder... the surgery is pretty basic, but the timing in which you get it is the emergency.

>routine emergency surgery

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she's basically a cyborg my dude, she has three emergency surgeries a week and a stick jammed up her ass so she can sit straight at court

Routine and emergency are not mutually exclusive.

And still participates in oral arguments

it's routine for her

I'd like to participate in anal arguments with her

Link dipshit? This is not the same headline.


doesnt matter if she dies, libs will just add more scotus seats once they take office and make it 13 justices.

How many surgeries and cancer can she take at this age?

I never believed the conspiracy theories of the upper class sucking the life out of the young, but seriously something is up.

Routine might refer to the ease or normalcy of the procedure.

She needs more baby blood and stem cells. Can you see RBG's reflection in mirrors? Just asking.

Maybe they slipped in the word “emergency” because otherwise the procedure wouldn’t be considered essential. Treatment for me but for thee

Why can't she wait like all the other commoners during these times?

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Why's this grandma relevant? She's almost 90 and about to croak from a slight draft anyway.

is it routine if it's an emergency?

She dies with a republican president at the helm and she, a jewish leftist woman, arguably the most leftist judge in the bench, gets replaced with a white conservative man.

She could have retired during obamas reign. The lust for power these people have same witn that bastard mccaine

>telephoic oral arguments
soundboards don't need recovery

acute cholecystitis is an emergency.

Get 'em Trump!

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It's getting to be routine she's in the hospital about every 3 months.

Nominate a black conservative woman so we can see all the NPCs bluescreen

>Ginsburg's first thesis as supreme court justice was declaring that age of consent was unconstitutional

>Supports prostitution

>Feminist icon

That's all you need to know about the current state of the left. Sad as I would support a lot of their policies if not for the degeneracy but I guess that's what the false dichotomy exists for.

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>>Ginsburg's first thesis as supreme court justice was declaring that age of consent was unconstitutional

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Pretty much, if you get a heart attack it's an emergency. For the para-medic treating you it's probably just a routine operation.

That difficult to see?