How do we convince niggers to go back to Africa?

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Unironically through reperations. Offer a one way plane ticket to africa and throw in a free checked bag. You dont even need to prove slave ancestry. If accepted, then that person must surrender all american identification and is to be placed on a list permanently banning them from entering usa territory.
Maybe throw in some menthols and in flight kfc for more incentives.

>The in-flight movie must be black panther.
>All Tickets must say destination 'wakanda'.
>Drop them off in Ethiopia with a free black power T-shirt.


Which country in Africa? Also, fuck off, we're full.


Lmao even USA niggers deeply know that Africa is a shithole continent, they wont go back no matter what.

Deep in the Sahara with nothing in every direction for as long as possible. We can even build a fake little airport and building for the advertisements. Or they could return to where their people sold them to the jews and let them become slaves of thier old slavers.

We don’t, shoot them.

Why would I want to go? Life is easy in america.
>just dont be retarded
Everything else falls in line
>minority scholarships
>diversity hires
>affirmative action

You give me a better salary than what I'm making (70k) for 5 years and a white woman and I'll go

Fuck off with this cuck meme, slavery wasn’t bad, not disposing of dindus when it ended was

We make a trade. Afrikaners come to America, and we send the niggers to South Africa. They’ll be immersed in civilization for a few decades before it begins to rot and fall apart from neglect. We get more whites, and Africa gets more niggers. Win win


What niggers call "slavery" is really just productivity.

That's right, Black man. Come back home to master!

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>Afrikaners come to America

Fuck off. Bring them to Western Australia. I don't even know why you cunts are over in America. Just flood Australia with Whiteness and turn this joint into a super continent armed to the teeth.

How do you convince cockroaches to leave your house?
It's exactly the same thing.

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It’s actually sort of interesting, niggers are money black holes. It would genuinely be cheaper to repatriate blacks with UBI of like 2k a month to Nigeria, who we’d pay off as well, than to have them live here.

Like 24k a year in Nigeria is quite good. They speak English. I’m sure a social media campaign and a propaganda vacation could do a lot. I’d also accept early release for niggers in jail in exchange for repatriation.

idk tell them fried chicken grows on trees there or something

Full? If you mean full of niggers, then yeah.

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You need gun rights first Satan

Oh yeah leave with the small cock superior race. Eye rolls

I don't think we're gonna be able to convince blacks to go back to Africa willingly. That leaves either the plan of forcibly moving them back to Africa, which probably won't work because the Jews have aligned "poc" against us and will just use them to turn the world against us; or, we just give em some land and shit run by the Hoteps and black nationalists. Its not like theyre gonna pose a threat anyway, and they can stay over there.

Why have rights when you can have violence?

I’m sure you could. Like niggers are dumb, and you can pay them to live like KANGZ in wherever the fuck. Of course, they’d potentially get murdered, but that’s no different than here.


Hey Keith, be a champ and grab a couple sodas from the fridge. Your mom is working up a sweat in here and I’d hate to see her get too tired to tuck you in for the night. Thanks tiger.

Nah, cuz they cling to that narrative of this place being theres because of they paid for it through slavery. they feel entitled to the place. if you were gonna bring them through to africa, youd need to do it through black nationalists. like, the real black nationalist groups. theyre the closest thing that black people have to an aristocracy.

Go send some trial nigs to Africa. Let them post on twitter how they’re wasting gibs on high class Nigerian bullshit.

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Wheres your pride for the ethnostate meme flaggot?
Oh wait youre a nigger

It's not an ethnostate meme flag?

If you want me out so bad, I want some things you'll not be willing to give up. Money and white women are what white people care about the most. Give me that and I'll go. Until then you're stuck with me in america

Give us all your money.

>talking to larp nigs on Zig Forums

Regain control of Liberia and give free one way plane rides there. Say it’s their chance to make a real world Wakanda.