Today many young people over the world don't like capitalism.
They're working against their own interests because socialism means lower wages, worse job prospects, a worse economy and less freedom. History has taught us this. So why do people still hate capitalism and like socialism?
Why don't young people like capitalism?
This question can't be answered without going into the economic and social history of the past 25 years, which is off-topic for this board
>is coffee good for you?
They usually pay low or no taxes at all
It basically out of desperation I think. They hate their life and its meaningless meandering nature and want radical change, but will not abandon their radicalized liberal roots so they just go to socialism instead.
>Why don't young people like capitalism?
have you heard of a concept known as a "trend"?
There is no reason why I should have to PAY to JUST TO EXIST in a certain part of this planet.
Meanwhile multi million dollar corporations lobby to bring in MORE immigrants to drive wages down and increase competition in the already saturated job market, make unions quasi-illegal and powerless, erode privacy and freedom of speech further, make the government overlook unethical practices like obsolescence, outsource production to third world countries where they treat laborers like slave labor and pay them pennies and DESTROYING the environment by depleting finite RESOURCES. Meanwhile the CENTRAL BANKS have been operating for decades in most of the world, trapping millions in DEBT through USURY, creating BOOM and BUST cycles to enrich themselves while slowly impoverishing the masses and we're currently living in the latest artificial depression, more than 10 years long since 2007. They RENTSEEK, because they DON'T create any additional WEALTH, the very definition of a parasite. Meanwhile the GOVERNMENTS let these corporations operate freely, engaging in CORRUPTION, ASTRO-TURFING movements to eradicate real opposition, RIGGING elections, ERODING our RIGHTS, POISONING our food, DIVERTING cashflow from science and social programs while inflating a GROSSLY over bloated defense budget to pay their LAPDOGS to ensure they put down the people if they get too uppity.
Capitalism is definitely NOT WORKING for me or for a lot of other people. Social mobility is all but IMPOSSIBLE if you don't possess connections or were already born into money. At this point I'd rather be a Nazbol, not because I believe their ideology but rather because I want to gas JEWS and send the RICH to gulags.
That wasn’t real capitalism
It is not the fault of capitalism. It is materialism feeding a sense of nihilism and valuelessness. It stems from the leftist approach which is artificial and anti-community. Peoples have been deracinated not only from their products as per Marx but also from each other and a sense of purpose and belonging. Spiritualism is the quickest root to securing the wholesome value of humankind but it is opposed on all fronts by leftist rhetoricians and their misotheist rants. The only way to defeat this monster now is to left it wear itself out and cannibalize itself.
They don't understand how incentives drive economy.
>legit thinks that corporatism is the same thing as plutocracy
I thought people on this board were smart.
>Imagining the rational man won't try to maximize his profit by trying to create a monopoly and dictate the rules of the market himself.
Will he accomplish that by satisfying customers at a rate that his opponents can’t beat while keeping a profit, or by lobbying the government to artificially raise the barrier to entry for businesses, therefore preventing them from competing by satisfying customers in ways he can’t?
They dont hate capitalism. Socialist movements of all varieties are anemic and tiny, and even semi socialist leaders like Sanders and Corbin cant even get them out to vote.
You are just falling for a vocal minority
Because Laissez-faire capitalism and financial systems only encourage the accumulation of wealth to a few big players at the top. For capitalism to even work it requires an outside force (Government) to reset the economy with anti-trust laws just to function but given time, Corporations will amass enough influence with lawmakers to circumvent this, therefore creating dissonance in the system to the ones newest to the economy.
have you been paying attention to current politics at all? biden might loose from young people spiting him for screwing over sanders.
Boomers control everything right now. But when they're gone then everything will move left because millenials are socialist.
Young people always never vote and the ones that voted for Bernie probably aren't stupid enough to give Trump another term because their candidate lost.
Stats say otherwise and the lack of votes doesn't change the fact that young people hate capitalism
>have you been paying attention to current politics at all?
Have you? the youth turnout was between 5% to 19%. Sanders is tanking specifically because he is only appealing to a tiny minority from a largely disinterested segment.
They have been saying that since the 60s but it never comes to pass. People rapidly shed radicalism as they age.
>what is monopoly
>what is oligarchy
capitalism leads to oligarchic plutocracy, dumb faggot. Infact it's not real capitalism if it doesn't work this way. Meritocratic capitalism is a fairy tale.
The average 25 year old in 2020 is much more liberal than the average 25 year old was in the 1960s.
Because ultimately capitalism cannot defend against Jews undermining it. It's a framework to run a country's economy not a framework for moral fiber and social interaction. Many young people know nothing of true capitalism, but instead only see modern day corporatism where giants like Boeing enjoy socialized benefits on the taxpayer's dollar, but the common man is subjected to the most ruthless form of capitalism ever devised.
Because Capitalism is too alpha male
they'd like it just fine if they weren't hilariously poor and horribly positioned for any kind of upward mobility. lots of them legit believe that a $60k/year job is wealthy
The "kids" that love being socialists have lived a completely socialist life from cradle to current day. They were born into a middle-to-upper class household where everything was given to them for "free" (ie their parents).
They go to college, paid for by their parents+loans (magic money), and what do they see?
>"free" housing
>"free" food in the dining halls (as long as magic school card works)
>teachers that openly push for the shit via indoctrination
>surrounded by other NPCs that parrot the same shit
They haven't had to work a real job yet, so haven't had the joy of being told they will get 2000/paycheck and receive 1500 so that the welfare queens can feed their six thugspawns (or not).
A lot of them are lazy. They truly do not understand hard work and earning their due. They want it all given to them and want as little responsibilities as possible, even at the cost of freedom.
$60k is wealthy in a flyover state. I was able to buy a quadplex to rent out and live in on $15/hr
Because they think that capitalism will lead to a monopoly, which is not a bad thing at all, because if he is able to get his monopoly, he will have proven himself worthy of the title + he always risks losing it as there is competition. And socialism is not a less corrupt alternative as there is literally a VERY BIG incentive to cheat the people in a system like this too. What I do not like about leftists is that they always blame something not on theirselves or on their opportunity, but on other people while they do not even bother to try.
It is always the same bs like, COMPANIES WILL BECOME A MONOPOLY, but the sort of monopoly which can end as competition is easy to set-up, unlike now, as you have to get ur papers, pay ur taxes (which large companies avoid anyway), get licenses, have restricted possibilities (like the controlled pharma industry which makes everything fking expensive). But GL anyway, as I see no other way out than becoming left and internally destroying the country so we can build it up again.
And the professors that indoctrinate them are lazy asses that feel just as privileged.