Does Crazy Joe stand a chance against Trump in the debates?

Does Crazy Joe stand a chance against Trump in the debates?

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There won't be normal debates. Joe will sit in his basement answering question they gave him in advance that his wife & staff wrote the answers down for him to read off cue cards.

The DNC will replace Biden with an AI/CGI Biden.

as long as he sounds more sane than Trump, than it's possible people might go with him if they want to return to some form of normality again.

Vote Joe Biden for President.

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does anyone else remember the wikileaks from the dnc server where donna brazil? was a moderator for one of the debates and admits to sending hillary the questions in advance and then when someone tried to interview her she said shes not playing basketball or something bizarre and went off the radar for a year

2 chances, slim and none

lol no

He won't be the one debating

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Nope. He couldn't even handle a morning show host he has in in pockets.

It’s over

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Rolling for Biden to lose and RBG to die

WAit whag

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Im telling you people, dementia joe does not have what it takes to run this country. Hes lost his marbles, going on rants about how kids are touching his legs. Sick, just sick. And dont even get me started on hunter. Folks, the apple does not fall far from the tree. I can tell you first hand. My beautiful daughter Ivanka and My tall high IQ son both take after their father. We have great genes, the best. Meanwhile you have this guy losing his mind and his corrupt son. You know what they say, like father like son. The dems would rather elect crooked crazy joe and run this country into the ground than let me have another term. You know why, folks? Because theyre evil. plain and simple.

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This election year is too boring. It feels lonely.
Wheres Jeb! and Kasich and Gary Johnson when you need them?

Did he really do this?

No, even liberals have accepted Trump's victory.

I'm just going to pretend it's 2016 again and enjoy myself.

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It'll still require +2 hours of editing to make sense.

Whoa, this requires knowledge to understand. Johnson said in 1965 "We will have the niggers voting Democrat for 200 years".

cheq'd. KEK be praised!

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Digits of Death
May it come to pass

Yes if he says something just dumb enough to be funny but not enough to condem him. It's not a good chance, but it's > 0

Damn, the digits confirm in every thread

Yes but they have like 8 hours until The View airs

Trump will try to rattle him with Creepy Joe or Crazy Joe but Biden is going to come back with Zion Don and expose him on national television.

what u dont like senile pedophiles?

Who ever controls the ballots controls the election

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You forgot to change your flag after you were done larping as a racist trump supporter to discredit him earlier.

How do you not have normality? Apart from the whole covid thing how has Americans lives changed significantly since Trump became president?
I remember all these liberals crying about how Trump was going to be the next Hitler, that he was gonna round up immigrants and black people and kill them. Just a bunch of fear mongering. And then nothing really changed.
I see posts of people commenting on social networks about how they need to remove Trump from the presidency to "restore normalcy" to the US, but how the fuck has it affected your normalcy? Nothing has really changed apart from the coronavirus outbreak which was an external thing.

Whoever has the most money controls the election. Ftfy. The public vote means nothing.

Lol no. Trump beat like 15 other debaters in 2016. None of them were geriatrics like Droolin' Joe Biden