How does /po/ respond

How does /po/ respond

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Appeal to authority

List them.

>b-but they're all lying!
>the 5g towers are giving us coronavirus that was made in a lab!!!!!

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I agree that the virus may be dangerous, however longer term effects will be felt by businesses shutting down.

Well I think /po/ would print out that picture and then turn it into an anime girl or some other type of origami thing.

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I don’t know who /po/ is but it sound kinda gay to me

Attached: po.jpg (335x416, 31.32K)

>Maaan, all of these C-students turned cat-mom, wine aunt, nurses sure are putting their lives on the line, fighting this deadly virus by doing body shots off of the newly deceased for tiktok clout. But, none of the experts predictions have come true. And all of our rights are being torn away. It's hard to know who to believe anymore.

Also, where do leafs like you even come from? Hongcouver?

Like this

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No but for real this one looks fun

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>some random retard on facebook has an equal opinion on viruses as an epidemiologist
do you really believe this?

2 Canadian posters that make poignant statements about the logical fallacies and moral inconsistencies of the covid panic'ers.What is going on!?

I believe in manifest observable facts. Everything I've seen so far and now what the fucking "WHO" is saying is that all the lockdown suggester's were totally wrong

So we have a perfect example of "Appeal to authority" and how weight of expertise of authority in an argument is wrong

(1) Who: don't do anything, what virus?!
(2)Who: Panic, social distance, kill your economies
(3) Who: Actually do what Sweden is doing

Is there any proof that OP knows what a logical fallacy is?

WHO and china lied people died, therefore everyone is a liar.

Didnt canadians burn down a 5g tower this week?

I doubt that OP knows what anything other than a cock is.

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with a paper crane

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Telecommuter here. This is my project for tomorrow.

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Respond to it why? I'm going to do whatever I want no matter what pussies like that say.

the people saying we can reopen are doctors

Science is bullshit anyways. Physics itself is bullshit and will no longer exist. :3

hey, asshole, this weird fucking place was two months ahead of your doctors, nurses, microbiologists, epidemiologists, and other researchers. Stop being disingenuous. Want fucking irony? If the government would have listened to a bunch of autists on some eclectic Mongolian throat singing forum, then you wouldn't have to cast this dumb fucking bait.

the only sane man in thread

... except for the simple fact that the experts are clearly very divided. And all the top experts I have seen are saying to calm down. Only non-scientist politicians are actually freaking out. and normies

*sounds of authority cock sucking*

thats because the doctors and epidemiologists who disagree with the new narrative are deleted off of youtube, vilified like the doc in france, etc.

45 days ago all the "experts" in the WHO and public health establishment were lecturing us that we should be more worried about the seasonal flu and calling this a nothingburger. they told us masks don't work 2 weeks ago, now you cant go inside a gas station without one.


I dont know, maybe a swan or some shit.

>>/po/ probably has a schematic for folding up a paper covid-19 actually.
Ah, here it is:

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