Haha it’s like we’re late-stage Rome minus the territorial expansion. Gee...


Haha it’s like we’re late-stage Rome minus the territorial expansion. Gee, I sure wonder who benefits and who suffers from such an arrangement.

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That's a Marine, not an Armyfaggot.

And Trump thinks we can take on China, lmao

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Makes you wonder if those ethnic Chinese soldiers were agents all along.

I'd like to beat the writers at the Economist with a lead pipe to death. Until their brains are all over the sidewalk. Then I'll piss on them. In Minecraft.

And if immigrants hadn't been there to keep up a steady supply of slaves willing to do anything and take anything to stay in the country, the armed forces would have been forced to shape up and fix themselves in order to stay competitive. And the military wouldnt be such a toxic place that nobody wants to work in that it is today.

So thanks immigrants.

On the other hand it makes me proud of my fellow Americans who aren't falling for the propaganda. On the other, other hand, I'm not sure if that's because of patriotism or because they'd rather get high and work at Starbucks.

>War with China
>Say hello to your fellow soldiers and new Americans
>Sgt. Garcia Sanchez
>Pvt. Sanjay Patel
>Pvt. Umbekele Ugugbugkawale
>Staff Sgt. America DeMartin
>Cpl. Conan Greenblatt
Now let's give those Nazi Communist racists a taste of freedom!

Attached: 1576554690796.webm (480x270, 2.88M)

>Zig Forums wants to shoot minorities
>Is also against getting those minorities sent over seas to get shot at

Attached: 1579496116541.jpg (797x448, 33.58K)

>Sorry goys we spent 10 trillion of your dollars on a massive nuclear arsenal to ensure world peace and make traditional ground war obsolete. Oh but hang on we need more of your money to build an army of people who hate you, thanks.

Immigrant soldiers worked for the Romans!

Attached: germanic diversity.png (500x680, 595.75K)

Browns are peak POG. Infantry is mostly
white southern boys.

>Without immigrants we wouldn't be able to fix all these problems that immigrants cause.

the bad economy under corona will cover that with poor white people join military.
Is that true what a mexican said about illegals returning to mexico in mid corona?
>get that wall up so they cannot return


Checked and true, now you can enlist and become a tranny on the taxpayer dime.

I think it’s the latter as well as our populace becoming increasingly androgynous and Low T

Fucking Kek

I get your point Leaf but I think it reflects quite poorly on the fitness of our native population to take care of its own defense needs. It’s not we’re extracting minority manpower from conquered lands like in the good old days, instead we’re inviting them all in to camp out permanently.

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maybe if those numbers weren't being artificially boosted, we would have been less enthusiastic to start all those wars overseas for Israel

We will likely go down in history as one of the more shit empires. All of the headaches and no gain for the average person.

Good, the military is bloated and oversized. Also, do you think all these immigrants would hesitate to shoot US citizens if ordered to? Literally an army of foreign mercenaries, whose endgame is to be used against the citizenry.

Pretty sure noone cares if they're immigrants. We only care if they're illegal.

Lmao even with immigration the army continues to miss its recruitment and retention quotas

without immigrants the US military would have been forced to increase compensation to meet recruiting goals.

>abort 30 million citizens
>wonder why you need a foreign legion
Really makes you think.


I'll still take an officer's commission and I'm a wealthy white nobleman with psychic powers. Have the Space Force give me a call when it's time to have effective warfighters again.

Men are raped in the military and it happens a lot apparently kek, dying for globalists and being raped by your own military baka senpai

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I got called a chink shill for that earlier. This zoo can only have successful invasion of Africa or LatAm. We can't fight real countries with these people.

OH GOD NO! That would mean you can't fight Schlomo's next war?! How terrible.

Yeah, I’m thinking you’re right.

I’m thinking we’re in really deep shit if we apply state enforce homosexuality to Iran, or any larger adversary for that matter.

Based, in looking into AirForce OTS actually. You can join the Space Force that way if you have an engineering degree.

guys behind the goblina are army.

tell me about male military rape user

Worse, our attempts at expansion have been fruitless.

Military doesn't fight wars anymore.

Just special forces and aerial delivered munitions.