I just don't get. Fact of the matter is the GOP hate a welfare state and hate poor people. There is no way any of their policies made in the last 20 years benefit lower income people in any meaningful way. While my views are more democratic, me and my family vote Republican because their economic policies benefit us more than what the democrats have to offer. We benefited significantly from Trump's tax plan and all the loopholes it opened up. However, the lower class doesn't really see any of these benefits and are actually being harmed by them. So why do they continually vote against their own interests? Do they fear that the democrats are gonna take their guns away or something?
Why do poor people vote for Republicans?
Why do hard working self- made people vote for Democrats?
Mainly because modern Democrats are blatantly anti-white, they want open borders, they want to abolish prisons and allow thugs to run free and rape and murder everyone, etc.
>So why do they continually vote against their own interests?
There's that phrase again.
This is completely anecdotal but based on the people I have spoken to they vote democrat because their liberal views take precedent.
The Democrats are incompetent boobs run by kikes, spicy Latinas, and insufferable negroids. I don't care how much money I have at any given moment, I wouldn't put these clowns in charge of a lemonade stand. I have endless contempt for them.
The Democrats are clearly hostile towards them and their values/traditions.
So are they perfectly fine living like dirt for the rest of their lives?
Because the Democrats explicitly hate the white race and pursue policies that are overtly anti-white like affirmative action and immigration. A slight economic boost or an ideology that is crafted to appeal to you, hmm...