AI Astroturf Shillz EXPOSED 2020

anons listen up you are part of the target group, please take the time to read this graphic. Its only the baseline info for now. We are following up with more info and upcoming operation info tomorrow. Sorry about the resolution, will reformat if necessary.

Please spread the info, we need all the help we can get to call these people out on social media. We are dealing with military level A.I. astroturfing.



Attached: AI Shillz2.png (2479x1192, 2.19M)

Then we will fight in the shade.

working on a plan for this atm, just to shine the light on the roaches

Attached: higher11.jpg (566x382, 30.33K)

please save and share before its inevitably pruned

Attached: higher6.jpg (1203x700, 174.39K)

>being such a brainlet that you need AI to handle your discourse
It's guaranteed already been happening for years, but for a group to come out and outright announce this...I wonder what changed. Definitely doesn't sound very legal either.

>higher ground
fucking pottery

The more you dig the crazier it gets. Spent about 6 hours researching today. Ill probably end up dead by election time.

Attached: Mainstreet10.jpg (1106x389, 48.61K)


>I wonder what changed.

They are terrible at challenging us.

Should be relatively easy to turn this to our advantage. Simply manipulate social media to make ridiculous counter-narratives appear (to the AI algorithm) to be the "most popular."

Classic agree and amplify. Suggested ideological avenues include pedoacceptance, elimination of age of consent laws, prison abolition, complete open borders, and nonwhite ethnonationalism, to name a few.
