
What do you think of these faggots?

Attached: CasaPound_Italia.png (316x316, 78.76K)

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Why a turtle?

Better than any movement in muttland

Terroni looking for an excuse to chimp out. Nothing new

I agree with this. lol

Attached: terroni.jpg (640x375, 111.66K)

Checks out.



huh i just learned a new word. thanks pastanon

I hate politics.

I hate you

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>What do you think of these faggots?
nothing at all. I don't know who they are. you could have supplied some two-paragraph description but since this is summer you could rely upon newfags to google it, thereby raising its pagerank. suumerfags are stupid enough to act as your personal army.

I think the question makes it clear that this thread is for people who actually know who these people are. Otherwise, if you don't know what CasaPound is, why would I *care* about what you think about it? It makes no sense.

CasaPound are a fairly well known group already, so perhaps it's reasonable to base your opinion on more than "a couple of paragraphs" posted by one stranger on the internet?

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i vote pd so I hate them

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>i vote pd
Truly a specimen in danger of extinction

Literally voting for extinction. Just go kill yourself instead of dragging others down with you.

The fact that you're not "chimping out" is indicative that the problem is with you, not them.


BASED. I know a lady who is a senior member, based, fascist and pretty fucking hot.

They don't seem to be good. They work with the chinks and queers.

>«Certo, c'è anche l'esigenza di dimostrare che siamo un soggetto politico a tutti gli effetti, non una banda di delinquenti che agisce nell'ombra. Noi parliamo con tutti: abbiamo organizzato incontri con la comunità cinese, con gli ex brigatisti rossi, con i gruppi Lgbt, dimostrando di avere una visione e una proposta politica. »

They were fresh air in the far right Italian labdscape, wich is still probably one of the richest, at least from an intellectual perspective. They've become a bit lame lately, they tried hard the democratic way, jumbed on the train of Salvini, with anti - EU proposals n sheeeeit. They weren't worth the vote. Now they've stepped aside, they've basically become a monthly newspaper, "Il Primato Nazionale".

They're not able to get elected or have a facebook page.

Don't think so:

The alternative being what? To spend your time fighting "chinks", a relatively conservative group, while immigration from the Middle East and Africa continues at an unprecedented rate?

At what point does that purity spiral end? Rockwell talking to Malcolm X? Hitler working with Arab nationalists?

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Lol, sums up with this.
Also fascist larpers.



Chinks are behind a lot of modern issues today and they have a backwards and soulless thinking as they want everyone to be their slaves. Thats why they are the jews of the east.

They're just a bunch of worthless thugs

Facebook appealed the ruling.
>Chinese colonizers good
>other colonizers bad
>implying this has anything to do with purity spiraling

Could you point me to the part where anybody associated with the group suggests that Chinese immigration, or Chinese financial control, is a good thing?

How has corona treated you?