I can’t be racist, sexist or make anti-homosexual comments. I just have to grin and bear it. It would be so nice to live in a society where my opinions were the norm
I hate the fact that I can’t be racist around people
I say racist and sexist shit all the time. Just do it.
So you would be OK with people calling you mutt to your face?
don’t do it in front strangers. only friends. I use nigger with my family and friends all the time. and i redpilled a few of my friends about jews and their plans.
Yes, I would look at them pretty funny though and cock my head though
i work at a convenience store in a nigger area right now because of rona and it is unbearable how rude and disgusting they are
>being racist
Just against chinks
>being sexist
>being homophobic
That’s your duty
Just bee yourself
Im only openly racist around my friends and family and its good. Obviously im more tame with my family. Racism is natural, who gives a fuck what the left thinks when theyre too busy trying to figure out their own pronoun. Just dont act like racism is bad, and when someone calls you racist just say you dont give a fuck or just say yes
this is nu/pol/
That's what Zig Forums is for you inbred shitskin retard!
> and i redpilled a few of my friends about jews and their plans.
This. Fucking this.
Repeat after me, user. "I'm a total liberal and I hate Trump, but I'm really not sure about this whole multiculturalism thing. If the people of Japan get to keep their country Japanese, and Israelis get to keep their country Jewish, why don't we get the same right? But fuck Nazis, those guys are crazy."
Maybe if you have some IT job. I was a mechanic and we made faggot and sexist/race jokes all the time.
I would lose most of my friends and my family would all dislike me if I said any of this openly though
I'm racist with my white, asian and spic friends all the time. what faggots are you hanging out with? not friends!
Unless, are you sad you have to have tact in social situations? in that case kys.
I have been all those things in public for 20 years. if you're consistent, people respect you and faggots and shitskins steer clear.
I think the most annoying part is, that these things are only taboo in the modern West. These opinions are logical, and natural. Mankind has always been like this. We are the normal ones, the NPC’s are the freaks. This is peak clown world.
>I hate the fact that I can’t be racist around people
I hate the fact that I can’t be truthful around people
FTFY faggot!
Damn sounds like you have SJW friends, I can be racist as fuck around my enviroment.
you'll get to that point as well king, stay humble
Same here.
But still all my work colleges / frens know i vote afd and some refer to as the "nazi" kek.
Get some black friends or coworkers, they think racism, sexism, and homophobia are funny af... just avoid saying nigger and you're fine.
I can talk about racist stuff with my progressive friends but i keep grtting blocked online by people from other countries.
Are other europeans that cucked?
>just avoid saying nigger and you're fine
anyone you have to watch what you say around isn't your friend user
Cheer up little fella. Of course you can.
>the nazi
Absolute beast
I’m right and telling the truth when I’m not lying, people better respect that fact.
You actually can haha. Normies are based.
sheeeeeit... there are things you can't (or shouldn't) say around almost all people. For me, the only exceptions are my wife, my parents, and a few of my friends. If you understand the sensibilities of the people that you around, then it makes good sense not to offend them - especially if it affects your livelihood or social prospects.
based geo bro
I couldn’t have that with my wife. No sir’ee. Would have to put my foot down.
Her family too eventually.
Sucks to be accountable, huh?
Just send them this image
They are the norm.
The media lies.
>because of rona
>I say racist and sexist shit all the time. Just do it.
Dont do this. I do it here because its eastern europe and I can get away with it, but now I am beggining to get dirty looks even when i am angry about the gypsies
>Just so it.
I don't want to go to jail
Move to Russia.
The first time I visited my tour guide asked if my Mexican friend a drug smuggling bandito
>there are things you can't (or shouldn't) say around almost all people.
it's only fair to adopt the vocabulary of the person you're conversing with, for example, i won't swear in front of my elderly priest, but i draw the line with niggers who say 'nigger' but expect me to do otherwise, that's wholly about control user, and has fuck all to do with 'offense'!
I think you'll find most poor people to be like that, no?
America was kind of built on the whole multiculturalism thing (or else what the FUCK was ellis island?), so at this point if you don't like it you should just leave.
It’s the media dude, once they got you as a child and you have a leftist teacher while a teen you’re pretty much done, in just lucky I got out, got pretty redpilled in 2016 and by friends and my dad,
heterosexual figures are essential because at this point theire the only rational being in this planet