I'm getting out of it by putting my dick in her ass if you understand my implications
Christopher Lewis
Who gives a shit let's be honest for a second every fucking person here would bang her and if not it's only because you're a dick sucking faggot. Id hit it and let her into the elmostate
Gabriel Bailey
>Would you consider pic related white? No >Well, she's jewish I know
Ryan Allen
Can't really catch your drift
Blake Gonzalez
Satanist not jewish.
Colton Fisher
More white than most meds and even germanics and Scandinavians.
Jewishs are racially quite diverse, by all accounts you are jewish if your mom is, even if you dont know or dont care.
what exactly makes her "more white"? Most white people have dark hair and brown eyes, they are in no way less white then blond blue eyed people.
Colton Lopez
Shut the fuck up. Yes, some of them look like other Europeans but they are parasites, only cares about themselves and hates us. They should all be deported to Israel and never invited to do business anywhere else ever again.
Alexander Morgan
and by the way, most ashkenazi are very obvious, like you can see them coming from a mile away, all these gentile looking jews are american jews, which are very watered down, and descended from mostly german and baltic jews, who are already watered down.
Jack Davis
>Would you consider pic related white? Yes? >Well, she's jewish. She looks super weird, so I'd have said Jew or American desu.
Luis Kelly
Skin tone, eye color and hair color.
Matthew Hughes
>race has anything at all to do with skin colour Babby's first foray into Zig Forums. Lurk moar, flimsy cuckhold.
Jaxson Gray
Face of insanity
Jose Richardson
t. kike on a VPN.
Cooper Anderson
>The genes which define me are stolen and I don't deserve them The level of cope, this is what happens when you worship the material world, Sad; many such cases.
Nicholas Ramirez
you're talking about lighter pigmentation, that doesnt mean more genetically european.
Jace Garcia
Not a good day for polska bros Topic after topic, more and more degeneration