Wehrmacht Pics Thread

Share your best Wehrmacht and Waffen-SS pictures pol

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lol, all you fags unironically jerk off to my little pony, you ain't white and you ain't nazis

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Maybe you do faggot, post your face and we’ll see who’s more white

ist ganz Lachschon hier auf dem Board oder was?!?

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They all died like dogs, surrendered like beta cucks, were enslaved in gulags, their women and children raped and killed, their cities burned to the ground and their race on the verge of extinction. Thet are the biggest loosers in the mankind history.

How to convert Nazis to right wing Marxism (Nazbol)

Profit gives people that are not part of the political state an insane amount of power to follow their own interests.
--> Because they got money from non politics related ways, these interests are bad for the nation. Can these capitalists in theory also do good things with this money? Yes. But very likely they wont so why instead of gambling, just remove that option? If these "good" capitalists are, by chance, nationalists, they will voluntarily surrender their private property to the nation. If not, then they dont have the best interests for the nation in mind. In Marxist terms, personal property is stuff you use yourself and personal needs like a house, toothbrush, car etc. Private property is property that you own in order to extract surplus value from hard working laborers = capitalist owning the means of production i.e factory. Unfortunately this causes too much power in a small amount of people and you get the situation which is today

As the communist manifesto says: You are horrified at our intending to do away with private property. But in your existing society, private property is already done away with for nine-tenths of the population; its existence for the few is solely due to its non-existence in the hands of those nine-tenths. You reproach us, therefore, with intending to do away with a form of property, the necessary condition for whose existence is the non-existence of any property for the immense majority of society

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I’d say the bigger losers the British, French, Amerimutts, and Ruskies who fought them only for their great grandchildren to become transegender, nigger loving, metrosexual hipsters but ok. And btw they killed 2x more bolsheviks than they lost, and hey killed an equal number of western allies. So it wasn’t a slaughter

Grüße gehen raus an schnappi

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They died with honor

What are you, a time traveler from 2004? NazBol is a meme and cringy as fuck.

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>How to convert Nazis to right wing Marxism (Nazbol)
Redundant. NatSoc takes the best of communism and capitalism and synthesizes them into one.

Bolshevik swine Like you get beheaded.

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>NatSoc takes the best of communism and capitalism and synthesizes them into one.
You mean Nazbol does retarded mutt

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Like they ever cared about their grandchildren or their race. They only cared and fought for their kike masters and big banks. Concept of blood and soil was foriegn to them.

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Dead Bolshevik mogoloids lmao

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So many madfags ITT
Your tears water the Furhers dreams

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