im talking progressively replacing your imperfect flesh with perfect steel and polymer progressively, organ by organ, until the only biological bit left is your brain, you wont need to eat, breathe or drink because 100% of your energy, oxygen nutrients will be resythensized and injected back into the blood stream by an internal nuclear battery powering you for a century each charge. you will also likely have a robo waifu who gestates a biobrain organoid to be transplanted into a child robo body. finally your family will be perfect and ageless user...
Are you Ready to become an Immortal Cyborg user?
yeah that's cool and all, but will there be any kikes?
growing old only means you die of cancer or dementia. no cure for either.
Good luck pushing any of that shit. People(including atheists) got extremely butthurt over a Chinese doctor switching around a bit of DNA in fetuses, Westerners regard the flesh as "sacred" for some unholy reason.
Much of your experience, knowledge, emotion, memory and other things you consider "you" are in your body. Without sexual organs, you couldn't feel the electro-chemical pleasure of orgasm. You would lose the muscle-memory aspect of movement.
you wont have cancer, your brian cells are amitotic and you only get dementia because of failings elsewhere in the body causing brain decay, given a perfect medium and nutrient supply a brain can live theoretically forever
Something just occurred to me. even if you could get perfect replacements, hell even enhanced body parts RIGHT NOW, and replace all of you with metal and polymer, the lifespan still probably stays about the same. Why? How many people consider it hassle to change their car oil? or hell, personal hygiene. brush their hair, their teeth. shower. eat right.
it all will take maintenance. and like the cupboard hinge you interact with every day that squeeks, or the drawer pull that fell off years ago, you'll think "I should fix that" and then your pattern of behavior will adapt to the broken bit. and again. and again. until something just... stops.
none of those things are in the body u faggot 100% of it is stored in the brain or interactions with the brain, you absolutely could feel and orgasm through optogenetic stimulation of the same brain nerves for an orgasm
absolutely untrue, if you replace all your organs with organs which last much longer and replace them as they start to fuck up your lifespan is indefinite, you are making the assumption that you will CHOOSE to no replace broken synthetic organs to the point where u just die lmao thats absurd
>Everything is physical
I know an amputee, has a bad case of phantom limb. He frequently forgets it's gone, hallucinates it still being there and feels false sensations in it, despite there not being any flesh to feel the false sensation. Whether it's a brain thing or spiritual thing I don't know. I do know that humans are remarkably capable of preserving ourselves and our humanity. Metal and cybernetics won't change that.
You could just sleep in an auto repair pod, we automate everything anyways, why not cybernetic repairs? Anything serious could be reported to you when you wake up for further, more thorough repairs.
p.s. muscle memory isnt stored literally in the muscles u dumb nigger, they are stored in motor neurons for those specific muscles in the BRAIN as long as those neurons are interacted with in similarly to what your biological body would signal to those neurons then you will keep your muscle memory even with a synthetic body
this, that dumb nigger thinks just because your consciousness feels something in that area of the body it means its literally occurring in that area, its not its being processed in the brain and the brain is the one feeling everything
wrong this is what the situation ACTUALLY is
>phantom limb
Every nerve that goes to it is still there and still firing. This is why you experience a phantom limb. It’s also why you can use TMR to control a robotic arm with your “thoughts” it’s not literally your thoughts they just take all these nerves, wire them to your pecs or Latismus Dorsi muscles and then get a good artificial neural network to learn which muscle twitches equal this or that movement and you control a mechanical arm with these twitches. Same exact nerves that once went to fingers and hands just rerouted to different muscles to be used as little push button switches basically. It’s like the put your fingers and wrist inside your pec and you control the arm with your pec. Nothing too mysterious about the “phantom limb” anymore after TMR was developed.
meanwhile niggers eat fried chicken while smoking crack instead of maintaining their health
Are you whacking off to this?
user, the brain deteriorates too. You’d hardly be immortal.
You understand that the elite want to bypass death and ascend beyond humanity to escape the fate they have made for themselves when death eventually comes.
Who was in the wrong here?
Fuck off I’m not becoming a robot nigger I’d rather die. I’m already addicted to Zig Forums and hate it and don’t know how to stop. Modern technology was a mistake and you can’t go back after soldering silicon to your nerves. This kind of body transformation is why trannies kill themselves in droves.
no you dumbass, prions eventually build up and liquefy your brain, it's a natural process.
Honestly AI is the only way we can have a utopian society. If you still want an element of humanity and the soul, then you can leave the mind intact, but our bodies will be material.
We lose animalistic drives like sex, reproduction, racism, all those things that make us barbaric. It is clear when you think this is the best, next step in our evolution.
God made humans the perfect machine.
What a joke. Keep dreaming.
I like how you "I love science" type people are just another tumor for society, just another version of Christianity, waiting for a savior.
You treat the past hyper-realistically, a cut in your finger and you die, but your vision of the future is fantasy land: living eternally, without pain, without sorrow, another version of heaven.
Grow up
Is it gay that if this becomes a thing I want my brain put in a female robot?
Part of life is death. I've seen some shit and have a huge ego, but I would never want to live forever. We aren't meant to and there is more to existing than just the flesh and bone.
the chink doctor who changed a baby dna was crucified for it, cant see this going realistically, unless for some very powerful people
nope prions done build up ur thinking of amyloids, and no amyloids do not build up with a perfectly functioning liver that does mysfold proteins, nearly 100% of ageing in the brain is caused by failing support mechanisms in the body
I wouldn't want to live forever but I think significantly increasing human lifespan wouldn't be that bad.
Honestly it might solve alot of problems if people had a longer outlook beyond getting what they can out of the 80 or so years they'll be alive for and actually cared about a century or so into the future because they'll be there to see it.
thats retro active reasoning you self justify to yourself what your brain thinks is inevitability so in order to sleep at night you moralise it
that only happened because the baby was altered without its consent in a heritable way, this is a) no heritable and b) done with the consent of a fully grown adult
this, do you think boomers would import niggers if it meant they had to live with them for 500 years ?
is part of it now, does it really have to be though? our perspective will probably change after 1000's of years alive and not even remembering what death is, whats the limit here but the end of the universe itself
Can't wait! Flesh is weak and easily fucks you over.
All A.Is so far that weren't programmed with limiters have been racist towards minorities.