This true burgers? are you weak?

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nah. we're just exhausted from carrying the rest of your countries on our backs.

name a country besides america that lost a brutal war against enemies who are impoverished 3rd world 5'2" vietnamese men armed with sticks and rocks while they had assault rifles and grenades

prove we lost vietnam?

over 150,000 US troops dead

only 28,000 vietcong dead

Shoulda let france handle it themselves.

lying little fucker.

France in Vietnam. Russia in Afghanistan. America in Afghanistan. America in Vietnam.
Germany lost against the kikes. Germany lost against fucking Amerifags.

It happens a lot that a superior nations gets beaten by a shithole nation.

you really think the chinks have ever been truthful about their numbers?

also, casualties is not how you win a war.
last i checked, they still live in thatch huts.