How is Antifa so cool and intimidating?

How is Antifa so cool and intimidating?

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antifa is intimidating? they're just some middle aged ladies with flowers usually


I don't like that they hide.

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Attached: antifa soy rekt.webm (640x360, 2.88M)

Since when?

S.O.Y is cool?


SAGE weak thread

Think 16 year old northern Africans behind those masks.

Even their masks have big kike noses and weak chins. Can’t make this shit up

They lost the fight but those guys won in the end. All those guys that defended themselves from antifa got sentenced to 4+ years for gang assault. AntiFa may not win the physical fight but they'll win the court battle. Thats why they travel around with lawyers

I literally have to controll every bone in my body to stop myself from going to antifa rallies. I already have a criminal record for extreme violence. if I went to one I would seriously injure or kill many.

I dont know what happened to me lads I never used to be a psycho but living around niggers made me extremely violent. Eye gouges, knuckledusters head stomps. The works.


I thought they were the fuck the system kinda guys?

Attached: fagtifa.webm (988x548, 2.84M)

Their anuses have hardened from all the niggers spit roasting them

Are you retarded? Antifa are corporate brownshirts

Yeah but their useful idiot army actually thinks that way, do they not?

If they were then police would ban them, instead they let them play dress up and act tough because they know they are just edgy students and retards

Whoever larps the hardest, wins the aesthetics war. Beware though, their is a fine thin line between kino and cringe.

Attached: Nazi-Party-rally-Nurnberg-Germany-1933.jpg (900x675, 210.54K)

They aren't. Planted a flag in his yard.

That's fucking hot.

Cool & intimidating.

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i will say this like many others have since when has antifa been "cool" there just a bunch of assholes/teenage faggots who know fucking nothing about politics.

this. Nice ol flag from the 40s in his yard.

>antifa is intimidating
They are a bunch of sissy faggots who sucker punch and then retreat to their safe space

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>they travel with (((lawyers)))
Figures, since the nose is directing them in the first place

Alpha meets Beta.

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They are, they are willing to use the system to fuck the system. The left in general is more goal based than principle based, its an attribute conservatives should learn

>wearing maskgas for no reason at all
cringe or based?


>no reason at all
those days are behind us, only rads now

>t.trash can

They wear masks not only because they fear repercussion, but also because they’re usually fucking sóy goblins

I think white arms has elbo pads like I wear for motocross.

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