Just how different would the world be today if the Soviets had landed on the moon first?

Just how different would the world be today if the Soviets had landed on the moon first?

Attached: 756701_moon-first-man-on-the-moon-soviet-union-flag-cosmonaut-hd-wallpapers_1920x1200_h.jpg (480x800, 77.66K)

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it wouldn't be any different.
communism would've still failed as it always does.

We'd all be speaking Russian, and I wouldn't have my delicious tacos!

The moon would be up for sale.

There would be more disease in the world. Dirty commies fester disease.

>soviets were first to send satelite into orbit
>first to send animal / dog into orbit
>first to send man into orbit
>their space station is what became the ISS
>buzz won't even swear on the bible, and tells little kids he DIDn'T go to the moon
but yeah the americans totally won the space race guys, that's not a holywood footage, ok?

Attached: anime-girl-questionmark.jpg (1280x1024, 170.52K)

O fug :DDD

Then murricans would do some other thing first and claim 1st price.

I never knew how much truth there was to the saying, dirty commie

we already do claim first price for example Food.