While NEETs played video games, women saved the world

In 2070 when people look back, THESE are the heroes who they'll remember

Attached: WomenHeroesSavedtheWorld.jpg (1600x1181, 231.08K)

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Attached: Milo-Manara-le-donne-il-Coronavirus-19.jpg (1108x1600, 394.65K)

Women are useless in this time.

Attached: 1588741495231.webm (640x360, 2.73M)

When I was in the hospital a nurse wiped my ass, WIPE IT UP ROASTIE.

who trucked food to your grocery store? It was a woman

Attached: Milo-Manara-le-donne-il-Coronavirus-7.jpg (622x747, 69.9K)

Who developed the treatments? It was a woman

Attached: Milo-Manara-le-donne-il-Coronavirus-11.jpg (641x650, 81.44K)

>"Watch as this...
>... female nurse
>...the world forever

Based women, I used to think you were all mostly useless cunts that are good for nothing but fucking and making babies, guess I was wrong!

my edit

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I've just woke up from a coma. what is this?

in 2070 the entire world will be a burning pile of shit full of niggers raping your grandkids whenever they go outside in less than numbers of 5

there will be no history to remember, you will be rent apart in hell until the last star burns out

Bait that is depressing, the thread

They're performing a dancing ritual to save people from dying, you fucking idiot

Based, looking forward to have my wife do the taxes at the end of the year while I fold laundry

Holy shit it's milo, the old dog has been drawing the same whore for years

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made me laugh, well done

>touching her face

only 2% of all truck drivers

ALL WOMEN are whores.

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Women will eat shit in the future

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they literally did everything for you

Attached: Milo-Manara-le-donne-il-Coronavirus-10.jpg (627x666, 90.35K)

Actually respect the girls and guys at supermarkets, i wouldnt want to do it just now.

>a cab over
Lmao so glad I my first semi was a Kenworth T680 it had the perfect cabin for cooking and sewing.


feeling empowered yet?

Attached: Milo-Manara-le-donne-il-Coronavirus-3.jpg (612x712, 66.77K)


Here are the rest, I gotta go now

All this corona hero larping is disgusting, but the life as a doctor is hard, too hard for the money we make, there is no specialist you could consider easy-mode belive me I searched for it. They one I chose is best in terms of work-life balance with good pay in my country but not as popular among fellow students

Incredibly low quality of shitpost. Amazing.

>people can't have a 30 minutes break for fun in the middle of the second Covid shift for that week.
Why are you incels so lame?

Looks like Milo Manara stuff

I work in a supermarket. It's easier than usual due to the limits on the number of customers and their willingness to avoid the staff. Not one person out of almost 400 who work there have been confirmed covid positive.

>not as popular among fellow students
So, you're a proctologist?

Go back to sleep, it was not a good time to wake up

Horny old italian