Aus/pol/ - ABC free news edition

Based rupert giving us the goods

>Frydenberg to save scomo some shekels

>Scamdemic social distancing doesn't work

>White Australians agree scamdemic lockdown is gay

>Chairman Dan acting like his idol, Chairman mao

>2/3 aussies are to be neets

>ABC paying asians off to lie about "racial attacks"

pic unrelated pommy shit

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so at the end of all this, what do essential workers (the ones that are earning fuck all) get?

will we get a stimulus cheque too?

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Cheltenham, VIC checking in

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I've decide to get a hooker. Who should I see frens? I want one in Sydney or Adelaide.

I'm moving to Australia.

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you get something so valuable that money cannot even purchase it.
You get to learn the fact that being a wagie is so fucking pathetic that it is not worth anything. That is a lesson money can never buy.

is that still even possible? thought brothels would be closed for sure

Pussy 4 PM
Hey yo busta, did you do a cum tribute to the truck smash in melbourne yet?

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Still don’t have the Kung Flu, but my legs are growing and it really hurts my knees. I can’t tell you how much I really hate knee grows.

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Who else wants the shutdown to last as long as possible? Loving the freakouts from normies. Seriously the longer this goes on the more likely we'll get a real shakeup in this country. All the bosses crying about "muh economy". Well bail out the peopl not the businesses. Install literal UBI not this gay jobsucker benefit.