So this skank comes over to Germany and (((conveniently))) only then realizes shes got a brain tumor...

So this skank comes over to Germany and (((conveniently))) only then realizes shes got a brain tumor, so she can exploit our healthcare system.

Fucking Subhuman Mutts migrating across the border to exploit our tremendous welfare system.

Attached: Unbenannt.png (1526x917, 1.63M)

There is nothing you can do Hanz, she will comfortably spend her last days dying in a German bed sharting all over the sheets.

US migrants are disgusting.
Fucking welfare queens.

Nice thread Ernst. Ferme-la maintenant.

That's a tranny

>That hair color
>Those tattoos
>Its teeth
>That blinking
All warnings to stay away from this poisonous creature.

This, dont forget to thank her for her dad killing yours and making you kiss muslim feet

Its common for people to move to third world countries because their healthcare is cheaper. Its called medical tourism.

Doesn't matter. It is a filthy third worlder, leeching my tax dollars.
Non EU citizens should just pay full price for everything.
Free market will sort it out.

You should send her back

tie her up, give her a gun and send her back

lmao there millions of people in germany doing the same thing, and the people are protesting to let even more of them in

Should build a wall

Don't worry Hans she'll just claim to be Turkish, you'll be bending over backwards to give her healthcare after that.

We pay NATO's Bills Germ boys you cant just take and not give any back

You’re literally telling me to go to Germany and exploit the welfare system. I know you’re complaining, but why wouldn’t I? You killed my Slavic ancestors so I want those sweet ass gibs to break down your economy to ensure global American hegemony. There’s nada you can do to stop it, so complaining is just educating me further.

Shoulda been nicer in the 40’s, Germany.

But you're a Turkroach doing the same thing.

Attached: im going to say it4200.png (1366x1366, 630.61K)

Must be all them industrial strength hair dyes

No. I am telling you to pay your bills or go die from cancer.
Good luck getting to Germany right now.

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Shut up Fritz. We take advantage of you because you’re cucked. It’s the American way to send our people out to get free medical care in other countries. Seethe.

Sounds like an internal problem you should take care of. You won't though. Because you're disarmed you don't have a voice.

We are working on it.

Sounds right after what you did to the world you nazi monster, pay the bill and clean the sheets

Blessed digits

If only you had closed borders this kind of thing wouldn't happen.

We are paying our bills and did not take on any more debt for years, until covid hit.
Now go do the same.
Money printer go BRRRRRRRRRRR


nothing compared to healthcare tourism on the nhs

The next step is to make Germany pay our medical bills while we get treatment in the US.

If some pajeet shows up, gets his life saved and goes the fuck back, I do not mind. I am not a monster.
However when a Mutt shows up to leech, they should get kicked immidiately.
They are a (((first world))) country. And they should work with the system they chose and have build. Not our fault that their healthcare system is a trainwreck.

The more Mutts die from sickness, the better.

If only you cared as much about all the Syrians, Turks and niggers that occupy your country Hans.

>dollar sign after the number
>two vertical lines through the S instead of one
absolutely degenerate

>foid approaches border
>don't make sure she's not going to be indigent
>don't ask which man is responsible for her keeping
It's 2020, we're all gay now.

Thousands of dollars down the fucking drain.

Attached: Unbenannt.png (1530x802, 1.76M)

This, pay up german cuck

>be boomer
>smoke, drink, fuck and abort
>make laws to stop having fun for younger generations (no guns, wear your bike helmet)
>get morbidly obese
>"muh healthcare"

Having an healthcare insurance is forced since 2008.

Having a nation that won't stop this is a YOU problem mate. Of course people will take advantage and vie for any advantage affored to them. It's the fault of Germans for having the ledership they do.

Sorry Hans, this will only become even more common as millions of these single, flashy haired "women" age with no families and a resume full of low-paid service sector jobs. On the bright side, since a most of them are white, maybe there's a shot that some of your leaders will be willing to say "no" to them?

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You are really calling this white?

Attached: Unbenannt.png (1533x810, 1.75M)