>Elan Carr, the State Department’s anti-Semitism monitor, wants to get people in other countries to love their Jews more as a means of countering anti-Semitism. In a press call Monday to mark Jewish American Heritage Month, Carr outlined steps the United States was taking worldwide to advocate for defending Jews as violent anti-Semitism spikes, including security measures, prosecuting hate crimes and condemning anti-Semitic speech. “In addition to all of those important defense measures, we are determined also to work with our allies in developing and driving Philo-Semitic narratives for their country, in the hope that we can reach the day when every society dedicates itself, as the United States has, to embrace and to treasure its Jewish community,” he said.
>“The opposite of anti-Semitism is not tolerance,” Carr said. “The opposite of anti-Semitism is Philo-Semitism, the appreciation, respect, and affection for Jewish values and the Jewish community. Jewish American Heritage Month is an important vehicle for driving that critical Philo-Semitic narrative.”
When everyone sees the jews for the evil rats they are, we can finally round them up and kill them. Keep pushing
Jason Jones
Thank you, President Kushner. Very cool!
Hunter Mitchell
I'm sure if i make it again they'll fall for my astroturfing!
Henry Roberts
>anti-Semitism monitor >State Department How are we this fucking cucked Anons?
Nathan Sanders
Just lost my vote for good. Done with voting. This country and Israel can both get fucked
Maybe trump should go live in his real country? (Israhell)
I gotta say, I am disappointed corona virus didn't kill 99% of people over 50
Isaac Bennett
Why don't these traitors start telling Jews to shut their fucking mouth about white people? Fuck these mother fucking MIGA retards. I so hate Trump now. Fuck this Orange fucker. I'm voting Biden just because Trump is the biggest Jew bootlicker I've ever seen.
>How dare you post facts about the Kushner administration! How about if Trump just doesn't do gay shit like this? Then there wouldn't be these threads.
Adrian Williams
It took you three years? lmao
Kevin Long
>It was the discord tranny shills who forced Trump to move mountains for Jews while doing nothing for the Whites who put him in office. This. Trust the plan. WWG1WGA
It's similar to China allowing flights out of Wuhan into other countries. You don't want to be the only country dealing with a pandemic.
Nicholas Long
How did Trump get this fucking Jewish? And his wife says a prayer before his speach and the Christcucks thinks she talking about Jesus. NOPE. Lucifer. Do these people even worry about their immortal souls? Or is it all just one big LARP for them? Q talks about God. These people mock God. All to serve the fucking Jew for shekels. It's so goddamn sad. These people believe in nothing but money. Please God...strike these mother fuckers dead. All on Zig Forums are with you.
>It's similar to China allowing flights out of Wuhan into other countries. You don't want to be the only country dealing with a pandemic. Why won't the media cover this angle more? It's clear at this point that China knowingly allowed infected people to leave their country in large numbers in order to spread the disease so that China would not be the only government dealing with a pandemic-based recession.
Dylan Clark
Isn't this standard practice? Remember SARS-1, Ebola, etc.
Blake Perry
>70k citizens dead and counting >plays live and let die during live news briefing
Thanks memeflag you're right voting is completely pointless because all candidates are the same I think I'll stay home on election day and I suggest all other anons do the same!
Sebastian Price
Trump is a fake ass pile of Masonic dogshit.
Our loving creator is the Sun.
The entire point of this "great awakening" is to reconnect us with her. The only true God that exists.
All religions are made up. People go to church on SUNDAY to mock our loving creator. It was all done on purpose. That should piss you off.
Why do you think vampires are portrayed as hating sunlight? It's another satanic joke on us and our creator from the MASONIC "elites."
We are eternal and "elites" are not. They NEED our blood. We don't need them at all.
It's time for the "peasants" to rise up take back control of OUR planet.
This truth known to all would change everything instantly which is why certain people are stalling. Enough.