
Why is it when a socialist nation succeeds, rightwingers call it third positionist? It's the same with North Korea. They just don't want to admit that socialist policies work when there's no outside interference. Rightwingers are so fucking retarded

Attached: Ghaddafi.jpg (720x720, 84.93K)

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Nice bait muh nigger. This shit pic is like 9 years old and wasnt true/funny even then.

Attached: thisisbait.jpg (625x626, 23.97K)

Except it is, dumb fuck.

Attached: Socialism.jpg (490x730, 74.08K)

You can post the picture of a downtown from any African shithole and it will look like a decent city but outside that small area are fucking mud houses. Stop being stupid.

>being this brainwashed by western propaganda
Libya was the richest country in Africa by a mile. It wasn't a shithole.

It was socialism though?
As no private property.
No religion freedom.
Systemic surveillance.

>Being this brainwashed with anti-western propaganda
Being the richest in Africa is not such a big deal. But Gaddafi was a corrupt murderer and an idiot. Happened to have a country with a lot of oil when oil prices were on rise. Its like praising an even more retarded Putin or Nazarbayev.

gadaffis socialism was paid for by oil though. it would have ended eventually, although i think he got taken out once he tried to diversify.

Lybia destabilization was the 4th greatest United States human rights violation in it's history, second to Molech Altars of the Womb, participating in either world wars, and human farm equipment.

Cuz it is third positionism you dumbfuck. There is a big difference between libya/nazi germany and communist hellholes like Vuvuzela or Cuba.

Also what a shame ZOGbots destroyed both libya and the third reich.

>gadaffis socialism was paid for by oil though.
at only half opec price, imagine how much change is loose at opec price for how long?

what about the pig trade? opium wars? diet based slavery caste system?

Libya had no socialism idiot.
The oil money subsidized everything, from food to health care to housing. But socialism was just a word in the state name, with no effect on the ground. Socialism was applied for less than a year in 1978 in Libya and was abandoned quickly.

Oil should be nationalized and the profits should be divided among the people.

Oy antisemitism

>look at this picture of 3 short commieblocks with lights on! that means libya was rich!

>rightwingers call it third positionist
cuz that's literally what Gaddafi called his ideology you dumbfuck

you didnt read his book did you? nigger poo poos on communism as a get rich quick scheme that doesnt work

Attached: motivatord89a69beb539183c3824058432b3a2160c15506a.jpg (750x600, 95.85K)

This is what killed Gaddafi

That is real peoples hero

Attached: Cat-flying-at-bird_590px.jpg (590x680, 296.06K)

This guy just took a long nice shit over the jews and they were not happy about it. ZOGmerica fought for their jewish overlords again.

Cuba's quality depends by city. Pic related. They also have one of the best doctors in the world.
He could call it whatever he wants. It's fucking socialism. If i were to advocate the policies in the OP in America, i would be called a communist.

Attached: Cuba Havana.jpg (968x645, 103.61K)

best ghadaffi

Attached: muammar gadaffi.jpg (497x590, 35.92K)


Attached: Libya.jpg (584x428, 204.65K)

upper pic is downtown tripoli, the capitalo
down pic is the city of Sirte after its destruction by NATO.
Libya was truly beautiful. Tripoli was very vibrant, no degeneracy unlike Tunis or Cairo or other middle eastern cities.

Tripoli, Baghdad and Damascus were the top tier cities in the arab world before the jewish spring in 2011.

Daily reminder that gaddafi was a selfish nigger that scammed europe by making them pay millions of euros just to keep migrants out.

Attached: quote-there-are-signs-that-allah-will-grant-islam-victory-in-europe-without-swords-without-muammar-al-gaddafi-65-38-05.jpg (850x400, 89.32K)

>10 commieblocks
>10 bombed commieblocks
your point being?

Shitty bait attracts flies. Buzz

No the reason they killed the fucking retard was because he was trying to link Libyan money with oil & Gold... which would of bankrupted the west.... bad idea!


based Gaddafi. When faggot Algerie, Tunisia and Morrocco bowed to suck european cock and keep migrants in Africa, Gaddafi asked for money to do that and refused to stop migrants by saying that it's not Libya's priority. We may not like it but he's right.

The frog is spitting facts

the cubans fleeing on banana rafts must have been overwhelmed with how nice cuba was.
you can cognitive dissonance and play name games all you want.
i have no care about socialism or "capitalism" one way or the other. i hate big corporations who sell their people out. see a lot of "not real communists" like pic related. and these commies like to take shit from white people and destroy identity, curiously gaddafi opposed multiculti shit.

gaddafi made the jew seethe. you call it whatever you want.
baathism is based too.

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History will judge Libyans as being the most idiotic people on this planet, espescially those who fought against Gaddafi.
I wish france had a president like Gaddafi. May he rest in peace.

Cringe. Gaddafi is your average semite who wants to make an easy shekel. Berlusconi is a fucking traitor for agreeing with his deal.

You don't understand socialism