Pic related
Utah State to battle COOMERS
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*little kid clicks to certify he is over 18*
>click here to be over 18
Coomers are the number one cause of faggotry and liberalism
no, porn is VERY dangerous and it WILL damage you
With meat shortages your body will lack protein
Jerking off robs the body of these precious proteins
It then has to pull resources from your body to make more of what you just ejaculated making your body weaker your hair thinner.
With meat shortage this is the time to stop masturbating and stop watching porn. Conserve your nutrition.
Agreed but we need them to link to clinical research of how porn damages the brain (particularly of adolescents). Like how cigarette companies are forced to put on those smoking kills labels.
Mind your own businesses, christcucks.
knowing Utah probably only the interracial category is allowed there
I need stop it, I need help