Should Gender Confirmation Surgery Be Legal?

Look, I personally don't care if someone decides to "transition" to the opposite gender, I really don't. However, I do take issue with (((physicians))) pushing reassignment surgery as some kind of cure for these people who are clearly mentally ill. Also, this creates a dangerous precedent for what people can be allowed to surgically manipulate.

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The surgery is where I draw the line as well.

These are tranny poison bait posts using attractive biological females. Just saying for anyone interested.
I guess it drives the incel hons mad.

yeah surgery is too far. a trans penis is more hot (no homo).
Also, if trans penis means you get anal all day because no trans vag. (anal is tighter [feels better] if you virgins are unaware)

I'd do it like this:
People with no chance of passing as the other gender should be "cured" or sent to the asylum.
People who can pass should be allowed to transition, and maybe get surgery after some extreme councelling about the risks.

Nobody needs some fatass gigachin dude crossdressing as a woman in public. It's unhealthy for all involved.


>Nobody needs some fatass gigachin dude crossdressing as a woman in public. It's unhealthy for all involved.

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Cute, would pound boy pussy until she cums uncontrollably and then I pump deeper.

I think my way is better but it's pretty similar.
Basically i think all of them should get the surgery but during the surgery they actually get shot in the head and used as fertilizer for fields.
