Your opinion on ethnic Anglos?

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Love Anglos.
'ate everyone else.
Simple as.

watch this for detailed explanation!
OP is a gopnik faggot!


Colonised the whole world.

>Every person with something negative to say in this thread speaks English because we raped your great great great nans.

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Hmm yes

>larping as slavs
The Anglo has truly lost his mind.

>Your opinion on ethnic Brits?
they are ugly and barely fit whites

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Las Creaturas Britannica

Those are celts masquerading as anglos.

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that was long ago, sorry m8y, now you're fucked

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Rule, Britannia! Britannia, rule the waves!
Britons never, never, never shall be slaves.

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seething: the thread

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God save the Queen!

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Lovely. I love anti-Anglo posts

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>Eternal butthurt of the rent free JF

They come from a dwindling genepool.

Cases of retardation are prominent and range from mild to severe.

They're a bunch of inbreds whose ancestors happened to be the biggest coomers on the island. It's disgusting really.

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Daily reminder that this is the genetic substratum of "white" americans.

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GB is a monarchy. The nobility owns 33% of the land, the Churchill 20%, the queen 10%. The remaining is divided between 67 million britbongs.

If you are not a noble in UK you simply can not have a decent life and you live like OP's pic.

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Dear I know where the stereotype of medieval ugly mutant peasant came from.

They are niggers with white skin!

Anglos aren't white.

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Actually, the judeo-satanic ANGLO murdered (actually genocided) innocent Japanese civilians under the orders of their RACIAL BROTHERS (the jews). To say it was war time, when it Japan had already surrendered, only reflects the jewish nature of the eternal anglo. Anglos murdered those Christians (the only Christians that exists: Catholics) because their satanic "thing" they worship wanted it. :^3

The Hispanics from the Hispanic Kindgom did NOT engage in (((genocide))). That was a practice of satanic subhumans (like the anglos and jews). In fact, today, Puquina can be studied against all odds because the CATHOLIC Hispanics wrote books like the Rituale, seu Manuale Peruanum. In the other hand, when you get to the eternal (((anglo))) territory, you only find genocide AND the lack of native american information. :^3

They might be faggots.

someone link this thread to /britpol/

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The judeo-satanic anglo is the source of all the world's problems today...

They are probably good lads. But they were born in Bongland where they have lick the boots of their landlord to survive.

probably an American tourist.

Who cares about subhumans?

The best anglos are from south of the equator

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>everyone is a subhuman except the anglojew

What more evidence does humanity need?

this. thanks Satan. nailed, as always.