The CCP has a hard-on for Taiwan

Alright so here's a QRD, this Taiwanese singer has turned her back on Taiwan and considers herself Chinese. For those of you somewhat familiar with the language and the politics between the mainland and Taiwan, you'll get the symbolism of the green man (DPP) and how inflammatory it is to say 台灣省 (Taiwan Province). Have fun with this one lads.

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Also azn qts

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What's with all of that anti China propaganda lately? It's almost like Pentagon intelligence, the FBI, and the CIA are flooding Zig Forums, brainwashing anons, and getting them prepared for a war with China. Have fun getting drafted and dying for the military industrial complex zoomers.
You don't have to be a Chinaman communist to figure out that the neocons who brought us the Iraq war, the Afghanistan war, and other foreign policy failures are the same ones promoting a Cold /Hot War against China.
>inb4 fuck off Chang

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Mandarin is ugly as fuck.

I am neither for or against. I guess this is more about the escalation between the mainland and TW. China is winning the propaganda war.

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>unironically promotes race mixing
kys glowie

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>unironically has never been loved
You don't know anything about me user

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> China is winning the propaganda war.
I don't see how interference in the conflict by outside actors like the United States, the United Kingdom, and other Western powers helps matters. In fact, I see outside interference as making things worse for the people who actually have to live there unfortunately

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OK Zhang

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Taiwan accent is much better than all that mainlander "ar" sounding shit.

I 100% agree with you on this user.
Fug off mutt
我也覺得台灣的聲音比價好聽。But the 兒 makes them sound like pirates which can be pretty entertaining.

Oops, fugged up

Yes it sure sucks for mainland chinese people.

How about you explain what this video is supposed to mean

Do you expect everyone to suddenly know how to read Chinese or something?

>the symbolism of the green man (DPP) and how inflammatory it is to say 台灣省 (Taiwan Province)
That's the jist, details don't matter

Also, learn some Chinese.

They are literally both Chinese though. And Taiwan has homo parades and gay marriage, is a feminist country ruled by a WAHMEN.

Fuck your fake and gay democracy. Fuck your degenerate liberalism. And fuck your capitalism.

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Fuck off chink. This is an English language website. Take your chinkrunes somewhere else.

>turned her back on Taiwan
So she was paid off or was a sleeper CCP?

Yeah Taiwan has those things, but it's not as pozzed as the west is with all its garbage. Cope.
I'm Middle Eastern friend. I speak English, Arabic, and get around okay with Chinese. What's your excuse for being so ignorant?
Nah, I think she's just known for being inflammatory. Her English name is Fanny btw.

Okay glowie

based and redpilled

asians love bbc

No. It sucks for which ever parts of China and the historic parts of the Chinese sphere of influence have to deal have to deal with American or British interference in their affairs.

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the Chad Formosa

your disgusting,neighbour.

I actually thought asians were extremely racist against black people. Protests in tiananmen square were literally started because Chinese students resented the presence of students from Sub Saharan Africa at their universities

Yeah, I'm sure being turned into another colony of London and Wall Street would be way better for the people of taiwan than being friendlier with Beijing. After a weapons deal with Washington DC and an IMF package, it will be just another shithole.