For exampe: The attached gif (while funny) is always taken to be Trudeau getting burned, when in fact you can see that he's telling Bolsonaro that somebody wants to meet him. I don't particularly care all that much about Trudeau, and I didn't vote for him, but blatant lies being pushed is counterproductive. Idiots eat this shit up.
This is just one example of things you see on a daily basis. I could say the same thing about the constant barrage of 'muh drumpf' said this or that posts.
It's propaganda. It's misinformation. Taking things out of context to forward a shitty agenda. It's no better than what the mainstream media does for clicks. It's gross.
How can we actually prosper as a society if we're constantly lapping up bs from the echo chambers?
What can we do to combat the bombardment of bullshit?
Kill this dumb kike and the freemason closeted homo.
Levi Bailey
Oh yeah. I love this one.
Anthony Diaz
So....he's Jew AND a freemason? Sources please.
Lincoln Ortiz
>For exampe: The attached gif (while funny) is always taken to be Trudeau getting burned, when in fact you can see that he's telling Bolsonaro that somebody wants to meet him. I don't particularly care all that much about Trudeau, and I didn't vote for him, but blatant lies being pushed is counterproductive. Idiots eat this shit up. >This is just one example of things you see on a daily basis. I could say the same thing about the constant barrage of 'muh drumpf' said this or that posts. >It's propaganda. It's misinformation. Taking things out of context to forward a shitty agenda. It's no better than what the mainstream media does for clicks. It's gross. >How can we actually prosper as a society if we're constantly lapping up bs from the echo chambers? >What can we do to combat the bombardment of bullshit?
Hi Justin. No hacky sack?
You will be a drama teacher again soon...
Not like there is a longer version of this video of him walking around like a lost puppy and no one having any interest in talking to him. Oh wait, there is.....
Nicholas Carter
Got a link?
Evan Morris
Everyone with a brain knows what's going on in the gif, we just go along with the joke because it's funny. Stop being an autist and learn how to tell when people are joking around.