Animal cruelty is always done by non-whites (especially blacks and asians)

Animal cruelty is always done by non-whites (especially blacks and asians)
Why don't they care about animals?

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they are animals.

>Why don't they care about animals?
Because they are animals

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Stop deifying things that go around on 4 legs and lick themselves. If you died and your beloved Rover was locked inside with your dead body, he'd be eating you within 12 hours.

Didn't he kill his dog?

Fuck off nigger, I'm not even deifying them. I'm saying we just should respect innocent creatures.

Also even pigs are better than you "people"

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This. These fur loving morons keep assuming that humans and animals are on the same level just because we may at times exhibit the same tendencies. Put these retards in the forest and they would give a crap about animals when hunger starts to set in or they get attacked by a bear or wolf

>when u read nietzche and rebel against moralism and became le nazi but then talk about animals like a moral fag xDDDDD

You are ching-changs, right?

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Hi shitskin.

whites love animals so much, what they prefer to eat onions

>We just should respect innocent creatures.
Our nations are being invaded by third-world hordes. Our governments have been completely overtaken by jews. The White race is disappearing from the face of the earth. They're locking us into a digital, social-credit based surveillance grid...

But forget about all that. You're worried about your precious pupperinos.

Get your T levels checked you soft, effeminate, emotionally-driven, faggot. You're a disgrace. You make me sick.

>Why don't they care about animals?
it takes significant intelligence to be able to be able to appreciate animals. other animals treat animals like trash because they're stupid.

aww that's a cute swastika woven into the wicker chair... lol

ssooyy* I cant mention the main source of estrogen of this board anymore?

why have you been brainwashed into believing tofu turns men into a woman
you're easily manipulated

Two of them are different problems. We must not forget the Nazis' animal welfare thought.

Opinion discarded, yuropoor

I dont think there is a way to turn men into woman, but i find it funny when whites trying to do it by
>consuming ONIONS
>cutting off ur dick

Whatever you say, you're still a fucking chink with the cuck president

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Kek Better than having my entire homeland turned into Africa 2.0

Anons could really be doing a better job driving a wedge between liberals/environmentalists/animal rights activists and jews/muslims for their inhumane slaughter practices.
>fully conscious
>strung up
>throat slit
>bled out onto the floor
muh webms taking too long to convert

Torturing animals was a widespread white pastime from Ancient Rome until the 1960’s

That means niggers and asians still have outdated thoughts

it reminds them they're animals as well and instinct kicks in

Only some shitskin religions promoted vegetarianism and animal welfare, dumb faggot. Most of your ancestors came from the steppes and didn't care about animal welfare.

You don't know about animal welfare in Nazi Germany? You ARE the dumb faggot (and probably a ching-chang who thinks every animal is their food)

Nazis were cool. They actually got along well with everyone except for Jews, Slavs, and Gypsies. They didn't hate shitskins the way you faggots do. In fact, they respected them.

>Why don't they care about animals?
because they are smart
people that say i would never hurt a puppy while munching mcdonalds are should be ethnicly cleansed


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If they see what modern niggers, muzzies and chinks are doing, they will hate them

Hitler would think China is a model state you larping memeflagger

I've seen videos of whites abusing animals too, retard, one of which traumatized me. You have filth among your own race too.
Anyways, go die for Israel and show your flag, mutt.

More importantly, why do whites care so much for, and keep other races around as pets in their societies? Nobody else does that.

>keep other races around as pets in their societies?
Well this is a good point

They're just few assholes. Also most white countries have laws that prohibits it, unlike african and asian countries.

China 2.0 is more accurate for you

India literally banned captive dolphins and circuses. Americunts still have captive dolphins and ciruses. Also, factory farms are inhumane as hell.
Get off your high-horse, you hypocritical piece of shit. I'd rather eat Jews than animals fyi. I don't like eating mammals or birds.

It's tangentially related to diminished-to-non-existent theory of mind.

Most Indians still treat animals far worse than Americans though.

Your migration minister is literally Somali. And you have an entire fucking ocean between you. You are BY FAR the most cucked country on the entire fucking planet, because you don't even have the socialist autism of Swedes, but just gay Anglo liberalism. Faggot leaf.

How are you able to determine this? As I've told you, I've seen countless videos of whites abusing animals too. I don't know how you can get a survey to determine this shit. Animal abuse is not exclusive to any race.
Look at how Ted Kaczynski tortured dogs and cats btw.
I care a lot about animal welfare, and I think the only valuable religions are those that discourage meat consumption and promote animal welfare. You find such religions around the world, but they are typically fringe.