Was it censorship and the media?
Why did the Kekistani movement die?
How could it have ever actually gained mainstream appeal?
It doesn't generate the lulz it once did.
It died with civic nationalism. The race realists lambasting it in addition to the leftist defaming it as a racist movement is what sealed the coffin to the whole movement.
>Zig Forumstards irl
God I would shitkick all of you motherfuckers so hard in a fight.
its cringe
because it's shit.
kid knocked himself out long before the nigger even started swinging lmao
It died the moment trump got elected.
It fulfilled its purpose, just like a male mantis after reproduction.
The Kekistanis turned 18
why do fags always post clips of people who can't fight to show that they can fight?
or the retards, incels, ugos, spergs and other wierd ass species?
I feel like leftists arent leftists the way most people think they are. I think they are a personality type of human. That just fights against anything and will always be born. No matter how anything is. They will still be upset and complaining.
It's a fake astroturf controlled opposition psy-op just like Q but for the younger crowd, it's a way to keep edgy kids occupied instead of getting them to go out and do anything productive or useful.
HAHA buy this t-shirt and post edgy memes on Twitter, wow what a scary far-right monster you've become, how cute!
Because Kekstani LARPers are normalfags who think they're edgy. They're Jewified men, yet think they're enlightened. It's cringeworthy
It transformed into the groypers
>manlet vs. manlet
because they won
trump got elected and the sjw´s got unironically btfo
I blame Sargon of Akkad.
It was gay as fuck.
Jewtubers "stole" the concept and monetized it and super spergs unironically tryed to made it into something serious
Because big man tyrone was their president.
You can't hit a woman, nigger.
>those digits
They grew up.
Degenerate retards who latched onto it thinking they'd suddenly not be considered degenerate retards
also it was basically a giant psyop to demoralize Zig Forums and divert its very real meme magic
What is up with JBP? Is he still in a coma in Russia?
The altright is cringe
Lmao the skeptic e-celebs
crungen to death perhaps
You won’t do shit twig boy.
Trump won. Keki idiots got no more Russian trolls to fuel them. Brainwashed idiots.