What's the situation in your country with the virus? Hope everyone is taking care of themselves
What's the situation in your country with the virus? Hope everyone is taking care of themselves
I'd like to take care of those thighs. They're built for the genitalia of a guy like me
People with foresight sense the impending danger ahead and are on edge. Dipshits are happy and content.
Who is that man?
Where the fuck are her knees?
We're good.
Is that Vera?
Black dick is a meme buddy.
She looks gross. Those thighs look liked they're wrapped in saran and ready for the market. No curve at all. Just fat and nasty.
Try suck starting 12ga first Chang.
Top nigger poster!
Always cracks me up. Be well African user.
all things considered, we're ok.
633 cases and 14 dead so far.
t. tasteless retard
I would make tea from her panties
Hips and thighs made for breeding.
7k deaths on a country with 210kk niggers. Total nothing burger. Coronavirus = coronaHOAX.
this looks severely photo shopped
Yeah, if you go to a sex shop you can buy cock sleeves.
No joke, google it.
t. simp
I agree. Women should do swimming or volleyball.
That swollen puss, lvl 99 required
Good news Chang, that girl is legitimately fucking an ugly Asian guy.
>a guy like me
Good god he's so fucking ugly.
yellow fever loser. shes hot even if shes an attention seeking thot
Typical woman.
>Yeah, if you go to a sex shop you can buy cock sleeves.
>No joke, google it.
Went to a sex shop once with my GF, looked at the wall of dildo cocks, the big ones were black, there was this small one called "Regular Guy". I saw a nervous white girl go to wall of cocks, snatch the Regular Guy dildo, paid hurriedly and walked out.
Based BBC poster
Gay men are the real size queens and cuck fetish is just homosexual play.
Haha that's a giraffe toe
simp thot-worshiper
poop stains on white ruins the mood.
or not, depending how deep down the spiral you are.