I tried to keep it light. He probably is pretty lonely and he needs to know people actually support him. I wouldn’t ever do the things he did unless it were in Minecraft and even then I wouldn’t bc I don’t play retarded vidya games. I hope the guards are treating him well. It’s sad most of us think he was a terrorist.
Sent this to Ourguy Ted Kaczynski
Lol'd. Pretty sure wild old tedders bit the dust bro
I dont feel like turning my head
Save it and rotate it with an image viewer like honeyview
Can you send Ted pictures? I think he would like pictures of nature if you took any?
Where in VA? I'm assuming near roanoke area if you got jewed by no camping signs.
poor bastard
Post the rest faggot!
> It’s sad most of us think he was a terrorist
because he is, and admits it
I just re-saved it rotated it and saved again. Hopefully it works if not whatever. That’s actually a good idea to send nature pics I’ll post one after this of my trip last weekend. I already sent the letter so if he responds I’ll send him some pics. If he responds I’ll update you all too