Hi from Europe's first fascist dictatorship since ww2. How are you guys?
Hi from Europe's first fascist dictatorship since ww2. How are you guys?
Hungary is fucking based!
enjoy hungry frens
Hungary is not a fascist dictatorship
But it will be. Just like Poland, and... Just like the rest of South and East Europe.
Since when?
What about Belarus
Jelly, tbqh
> Belarus
It's potato dictatorship, not a fascist
congratulations bro. much respect.
I can only dream about having such a based government. I couldn’t envy you guys more.
I love this view of Budapest.
Keep eradicating the gender studies degenerates in your country, you are on a very good path.
Good for you Hope it inspires the Germans
>Hi from Europe's first fascist dictatorship since ww2. How are you guys?
LOL! Milosevic's Serbia wasn't fascist?
>Hi from Europe's first fascist dictatorship since ww2
Senor? excuse, si, you, senor maygar, Generalissimo Francisco Franco, requests a word.
Hungary sucks hard dick balls cuz they not the barbarians hordes that invaded the cuck degenerated empires, they are assimilated muttzoids with inferiority complex...I mean look at fucking Viktor Orban,he fucking looks like a frog and all his muttzoids friends from high school are billionaires and run the country..
What fucking degenerates...if this doesn't prove we live in a simulation then I don't know. .
>It's potato dictatorship, not a fascist
>ireland is belarus
based. We wuz Eire
>Leaked photo from the Orbánbunker, under the Parliament.
How the fuck is this gypsoid muttzoid running a country,lul
Good, and happy for you fellows.
man i wish...
but kingdom without a king would be better
4got pic
I hate Romanians.
Admiral without fleet :)
AhahA seethe muttzoid
No gypsoid muttzoid president in Romania
Despite many attempts
Love you guys, don't let angela merkel and her cadre of bootlickers bully you.
Arrow Cross were traitors.
A King or Regent is better.
Yes I bet you hate yourself too you pudding brain
You're the hope of Europe now. Don't fuck it up
This gypsoid Orban is doing the same to Hungary that Hitler did to Germany
He is gypsy blood he wants Hungary destroyed trust me,I know