ITT: redpill comics

ITT: redpill comics

Attached: 1587921984101.png (1023x341, 72.5K)

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Attached: file.png (900x280, 176.23K)

It's gonna be all just stonetoss isn't it?

The ultimate women redpill

Attached: IMG_20200505_224458.png (1386x1526, 712.24K)

Attached: 1457565163428.png (600x530, 35.53K)

i dont get it?

Attached: 1568483984391.png (644x960, 525.67K)


Attached: 1548874277477.png (928x336, 78.43K)

Attached: 1544475996354.png (1000x1000, 102.44K)

The jew nose grows in the presence of gays and feminists? I need to write this down.