Why are the unemployed making more than workers?

My friend had the same minimum job as me. He is now unemployed and gets twice what I get. I am working to lose money. This is such fucking bullshit. I hate this retarded country.

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That's what Lindsey Graham is ending.

Yeah I feel you OP. Realizing that was such a bullshit slap in the face that I decided to straight up quit my job.

I have two jobs. One is official, the other isn't. I'm making more from unemployment than if I was working fulltime at either of them, and way more than an "essential worker" that's a friend of mine in Alabama. I am loving the taste of autism bux, but I do feel sorry for my "essential" brothers.

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Because we got laid off you dumb nigger
I manufacture jigs for fighter planes and it's better for people like me to wait to be called back on board on unemployment than for me to start flipping burgers

You got laid off because you aren't necessary or needed? Why should people who aren't even useful enough to remain employed get paid more than people who are?

This, wtf world am I living in where I'm "essential" and making less than everyone else in my family who is not working. I fucking hate America, this country just enjoys torturing people randomly


You are not the only one. I justify it by saying I get my full benes and 401k contribution. Over longterm I'll make more money. Also the unemployed lose benefits and pay out of pocket to keep health insurance in many cases. I'd still chose to be unemployed and take a wonderful 3 month break and not feeling guilty. As long as it ends we will be okay. However if they extend the fucking unemployment then we become the slave class. Working for less pay than fcuking unemployed who will undoubtedly be given free health care, food stamps and fucking CASH. that is what I'm truly worried of. We make less than fuckers on the govt dole. Hell no

We may become a slave class, stuck working while others get paid to stay at home and pull the sympathy card while refusing to bag groceries.