The right can't meme

Magapedes, everyone.

Attached: 1588810952000m.jpg (678x1024, 142.42K)

holy fucking shit lmao when you see it

i don't get it
the comic seems to be comparing current right wingers to hitler and friends

That's a left wing meme and it's shit, thus proving yourself wrong. Well done leaf, now go kill yourself.

keep looking

is that a black mussolini

Attached: 3A0619DF-6E99-4BFC-8F70-FF31F3CD0537.gif (297x229, 2.22M)

is that supposed to be insulting? It sounds empowering.

Attached: rick and morty fan.png (569x607, 115.29K)


I unironically cant tell which side this is pulling for.
I'm guessing left but it does a pretty poor job of presenting their argument since most wouldn't have a clue there were blacks allied with the Axis