>George Floyd death: Independent autopsy shows Floyd died from 'asphyxiation from sustained pressure'
Other urls found in this thread:
>Ignoring the official autopsy
>instantly believing the (((independent))) one
Clown world
Are you surprised? The Zig Forumstards drug shit was stupid
>Bought and paid for by his family
okay, sounds faaaaar more reliable than that pesky state autopsy report.
>independent autopsy
his family literally paid money for it
well I guess technically the niggers did
I have an independent autopsy too. He died from his BBC being crushed which caused a lack of blood flow that made it rot away, giving him death by sepsis
A whore with a medical license says it was asphyxiation because someone paid him to say it despite admitting there is no evidence to support this from the autopsy he was paid to perform. Breaking News.
is asphyxiation not like the easiest cause of death to see? i dont know anything about this shit but wouldnt there be obvious brain damage from lack of oxygen or blood that the first autopsy couldnt have possibly missed
Here is the one from the state btw, fuck overdosed from a drug cocktail (methaphetamine and fentanyl) and had heart disease.
Yet try to brush it under 'other significant conditions'
>asphyxiation from pressure behind the ear
As if it was ever going to say anything different from what the narrative demands. He could have been shot in the head and ground into mincemeat and they'd still say he died by choking.
Glad they've finally released this. For the past few days everyone here's been assuming he was on coke, because of his history, but now we can see that he'd managed to move onto even harder drugs.
I was expecting 'corona virus' lol, seemed to be the number #1 killer just a week ago.
> Independent autopsy
wonder if it showed his prayer levels were pretty high since he had just left from church
Please, like this is going to convince anyone who has been in full hard-on mode denial. Just like the 'jogger' they'll find reasons to justify why it was racism and how it's fault of white america left or right. there not going to apologize for the damages from riots and protest either, becuz, 'mumbo jumbo, other forms of racism'.
actually the new information came out he had fentanyl and methamphetamine. It's on every big news agency.
The same quack who did this autopsy is a media whore who does shit like this for every high profile case from OJ to Epstein.
No, but it did discover traces of Skittles in his system.
Mom let the hyaena use her computer again.
How does this blow anyone out you pathetic child. Anyone knows that 200lbs of force on someones lungs or neck will result in either cardiac arrest or asphyxiation a decent % of times. I would have thought the more relevant thing is how tens of thousands of disgraceful, exploitative scum and a load of the most despicable idiots on this planet, communists and anarchists took this opportunity to steal shoes, burn working class businesses, including those of the minorities they are supposedly trying to help, and pulling innocent men and WOMEN out of cars and curb stomping them with the help of dozens of their cowardly friends. So who is really BTFO here? I know I'm not, and I'm also quite sure you won't reply to this, because you're a pathetic coward who gets the tiny bit of confidence she has from making a really really sad thread titled pol BTFO hahahahahahahahahah. What are you laughing about you sad cunt. Do you think you or your fellow Soviet Union, won't read history book friends come off well here. Get a real education and grow up, you sad excuse for a human being.
Wait what
Totally independent autopsy paid by family aiming for ghetto lottery from doctor who said Epstein was killed by tyrannosaurus rex.
I'm actually on the cops side in this, but can't seem to fucking convince anyone that what he did was literally police standard and not murder.
What I'm asking is: Was there ANYTHING the officer did that was actually NOT allowed?
I'm hearing that his knee was to be on the center of his neck, not over the side like it appears.
I hear he wasn't supposed to have him downed like that for that long.
Was there ANYTHING that this officer did wrong that legitimately paints him as a murderer so I can have the appropriate view on this?
He was a drug addict and a convicted armed robber.
The (((independent))) autopsy showed that his good boy levels were through the roof!
Michael Baden did the independent interview, he did Epsteins.
yes dude
probably working for the furries
err I mean glowies
I'm not joking.
>private autopsy
Believing anything nigger/jew animals say.
Niggers and jews even had to steal Yakub from White people.
Niggers and jews have no culture.
Fake news.
The police officer didn't put his full weight on it, he was still able to talk and there is no damage found to the neck. No doubt it was very stresfull but people are pretending he was executing him or something. Just very bad media coverage for people who want to see bad things to see their point of view confirmed.
>Was there ANYTHING that this officer did wrong
Yes. He held his knee against the back of the man's neck even though the man pleaded that he wasn't able to breath, and kept holding it even after the man passed out.
>((((((((((((((((Micheal Baden)))))))))))))))))))) autospy says Floyd died from asphyxiation
>The Jewish media will spew this shit on the media non-stop
>Goyim cattle will believe this notion and hate whites even more
>Whites are getting closer to South Africa status
He was full of shit?
OP is a faggot
>“cardiopulmonary arrest complicating law enforcement subdual, restraint and neck compression.”
>Under "other significant conditions” it said Floyd suffered from heart disease and hypertension, and listed fentanyl intoxication and recent methamphetamine use.
Drugged up nigger dies committing crimes. Facts are ow racism!! These cops will walk as they should.
Haven't been following this. Anybody have a link to the video of this nigger taking a knee to the neck or whatever skyrim shit happened to him?
Oppose boopsie he was a nigger who did drugs after all. Who could’ve seen this coming?
This is so weird because almost no one is defending this officer, when there is a case to be made for his actions being entirely justified. The tear jerker video was like a narrated psy op that told the NPCs exactly what to think. Even when the store owner comes out to say Floyd was “od’ing on crack”, which was against the story being told, he was aggressively verbally attacked by the person filming.
What was wrong about it, dear cirofag?
Kek, imagine having to listen to every drug crook you arrest and give him full space. The reason he couldn't breath was drug overdose, not the neck clamp, if so he wouldn't be able to talk... He died an hour later in the hospital from cardio failure not related to oxygen at all, guy had a heart disease.
I understand that part and even agree that the kneeling for that long was unnecessary, but surely you can still breathe if you can say "I can't breathe," for up to 6 minutes.
And wasn't the reason for staying like that for so long because of something like "excited delirium," or something?