Car just rammed into riot police
Car just rammed into riot police
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Gotta say they really had that one coming, what with various of their colleagues employing the same tactic.
Time to ratchet up the force.
they let him get away with people recording... its like they are asking for copycats.. should have lit the car the fuck up
what language is that
stupid fucks need to start shooting these niggers
What? Are they not going to chase the car down?
Unfortunately this will prob happen.
All these men in uniform is getting me pee pee hard
There's no way that many men can all be incompetent.
Indeed. What kinda pussy cops are they?
>all those fucking journashits in the comments
Those poor NGs didn't sign up for this shit lmfao
I mean I know, but we both just watched the same shit soooo.
I think I sent it a little too fucking hard
It's a fucking civillian car. Just put a 9mm through the radiator and call it a day.
Lmao isnt that what you get for standing in the road though?
think it was taken down..wont load for me..
not sure what you mean. People are beating on peoples cars then get ran over because they are trying to escape.
like fucking vultures, probably lurking and getting all the links from Zig Forums too. fuck you jamie you bitch
f*** off foreignigger
>autozone in background
What does this mean?
We need a real Hitler STAT!!!
oh shit
this is some serious escalation
sounded like something you'd hear on Syrian War General
Police are low IQ. They ban smarter applicants.
Works for me. Hope they died.
AutoZone is in charge of cars remember? That black girl said so.
>months ago
>pantifa gets shielded by cops
>fuck i hope those cops die
>cops getting btfo by pantifa and niggers
>Remember the AutoZone
>Had to literally defend the Alamo from antifa this weekend
It is an abstract kind of feel.
arabic, probably . buffalo has an arab population ??
holy shit. Add more fuel to the fire, when suburb normies see this on the news. trump 2020 faggots
>being a sodomite
hell is destructive !
>deep thoughts from peru
Kanker op, idioot.
The Autozone vs Napa auto parts vs O'Reilly ancap Wars
Actually that's exactly what they signed up for.
Nouri worden. Kanker jood
almost 5 am and i gtg work but this shit is too entertaining
4 more years ! israel!
the dogs did it for me this is real
not a single one of those pigs went after that bronco lol
American police SUCK xD
Live stream two blocks from where it happened
Zuck com/videos/live/m/redirect/2854392581325554/?_rdr
Pretty much, they're getting eaten by their own. No self respecting person would defend them after that shit they pulled.
they all had non lethal crowd control weapons at the ready, not their service weapons
Sounded like a police dog was ran over too?
BASED. Fuck em all.
All i gotta say is this is the most bizarre viral marketing campaign I've ever seen
They hit nobody
Likely bengali or Arabic we have a lot of bengalis here not so many Arabs but we do have some. Most don’t live there though the Arabs tend to live in the whiter areas unlike the bengalis.
It wasn't a Bronco, that's why nobody went after a Bronco.
Dam!!! This is gonna start happening all over
You can see someone under the fucking tire getting destroyed
>free education & benefits
Martial law 30 days
If they didn't then they would never be able to hide niggers and women as cops
>fucking autozone
What does this mean??
Unfortunately thats what happens when you decide to start enforcing the orders of a fascist regime. They have the option of standing down and working with the protesters.
I think was one of the german sheperds
It hit 2 people
youre hunting that dumb nigger in the suv down right america???
Yup I'm thinking military needs to make an appearance
Sorry niggers your time is up!
Big if tr--
Fuck you
Je kanker moeder
Take your fucking meds dude jesus
Autozone is Sinaloa Cartel Front
the new american
>that language
Sounds and looks like Iraq.
Opkankeren sukkel.
I've about McFuckin Had it.
White Riot when???
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