Cops aren't messing around tonight are they?
Cops aren't messing around tonight are they?
We officially live in a police state
They are kicking ass, sooooo satisfying
Considering Trump is threatening to deploy the military if they don't do something, I guess. These were never "peaceful protests".
(And that's a good thing)
Get fucked you bootlicking fascist.
real, antifa sucks dick
>Stopping people from looting and burning
Wtf I love police states now
Good. Faggot.
At least he don't lick them Jordans
Cry more incel
Eat a dick you anarchist larp.
t.12yo girl
preferable to the law of the jungle we've experienced the last few days
>NOOOOO you can’t just prevent them form destroying the city, that’s oppression!
That's a good thing.
As an American, this country was founded on the right to protest.
You don’t have a right to loot and burn. They’ve probably been working double shifts for a week. I get cranky when that happens to me, and nobody is shouting at me.
I don’t blame them.
Where is that
Keep this same energy when the police state comes for your fucking guns you massive faggots
you lick nigger boots lol
Imagine simping for black people
As long as it's a right wing police state, I don't care.
Muh rights are overrated.
officially projecting
Unlike coward communists trying to provoke others we'll have a constitutional right to shoot.
American cops aren't very competent, not even their crowd control forces raise above mediocrity. Euro police would clear those streets in hours.
The store owners should be allowed to own tanks and rocket launchers and defend their stores from looting.
You burgers deserve it for letting your country get so niggerized.
And I'm jealous
Based leaf.
Ahahaha fucking CHIMPS. They should send the military to blast these mother fuckers.
Dont worry, Ping, By the look of it, you gooks are marching around looking for dark gaijin meat.
How fucked is this Antifa?
without good law enforcement countries just turn into shitholes like mine where people have to literally kill the criminals because cops are fucking faggots
watching now, depends if he gets to the protest on time and at what speed he arrives at.
>People are looting, burning, raping and murdering
>Police respond to restore order
no retard. it's the raping and murdering people who get the blame for bringing us a police state. we aren't doing that but that's not readily determinable in the field.
I'd rather that than live in Jogger land
>tfw the left were such faggots we unironically became the empire and liked it
Go lick a niggers foot, shemale
The looters had their fun, time to go home now.
roln for high speed rollover