this shit hit differently tho...
not for me, I am a fucking native to my island, pakis get the fuck out
go back to the reservation.
Technically speaking ancient scandi's arrived here before the mongoloids.
Your claim is invalid.
Go back to your reservation.
>go back to your reservation
The ironic thing about this is that my Canadian Indian ancestors left canada because of assholes like OP
Also: there's a difference between setting up a society and migrating in tents.
reminder that everything is free on stolen land racist scum. looting is justified :^)
>go back to siberia
Stop drinking too much Fire Water.
Kangz level bullshit
They need to go extinct. We conquered it through struggle. Might makes right.
Aren't injuns just spanish rape-babies? Send em to Spain.
They originated from Indian-Russian region. Stupid fucking leaf doesn't know history.
the mexican guy looks exactly like me wtf
go back to your tipee hut u savage buffalo nut sucker
what is: the iroquois confederation?
So the comic is implying that instead of wiping the Natives out, he accepted him as brothers and said he would protect him under his flag against the other nations of the world? Yeah that is deep.. It's almost like we have a shared history and blood vs. someone who arrived off a boat yesterday to our centuries long grudges and conflicts - which those immigrants would erase for both of us.
White people make up the majority.
We can call the shots if we only choose to.
Bend the knee for no one.
Technically speaking you're a fucking retard
Go back to Mongolia. This is rightful Solutrean territory.
Aussies are the original inhabitants of Australia, the noongar are fauna.
Go back to china
We gave you reservations. your fault the only thing of value on them in casinos.. but at least you built that.
I guess mass migration wasn't a thing but okay. Indians magically spawned in America.
Natives weren't genocided. They killed each other and had low birth rates over 300 years. White birth rates are lower. Are you implying that white genocide DOES exist?
OP would call you racist and intolerant
Just ignore the double standard.
Technically speaking pale face this land is home to the ancient mesoamericans
Speak English chink
go back to las vegas
Imagine the seethe this would cause in whites if it actually happened.
Methinks they would get a tad butthurt.
We could make a holiday of it called Day of the Cope.
I am literally moving to Europe. Fuck this country and fuck ANTIFA. I hope the niggers you worship slit your throats
"Go back to siberia!" It's time for you to research haplogroup X and the solutreans. Turns out, the "natives" genocided the real native americans when they migrated over 10,000 years ago. There was a bloodline, unique DNA profiles that were found which preceded the siberians yet suddenly disappeared when they arrived, showing european like people in the north and asian like people to the east. The only living remnants of any such people today are the lucky few who were raped and comprise trace amounts of the modern american-siberian savage's DNA.
We are a nation of conquerors.
>Blond mummies found in South America
>Statues with blue eyes in South America
>Ancient European runes like the Swastika also found
>Viking artifact along the east coast of America/Canada
>dis sheit b hittin diffrent dough
"Hits different" is the proper-improper way to say it